How do you get rid of unwanted guests that can't take a hint?

Answer #1

You be direct, especially if they’re at your house uninvited..


“I’m sorry, but this gathering was only intended for those who who were invited. You were not invited, so I would appreciate it if you left.”

If they don’t want to leave, call the police to have them removed. It may seem like a little bit of an extreme move to make, but if you do not want them there, they need to respect your wishes.

Answer #2

Tell them nicely that you don’t want them over, they are not welcome and that if they don’t leave that you will notify the cops. And don’t give them hints, just be straight forward with them because some people obviously need to be told to leave, they won’t be able to read your mind.

Answer #3

Lol, tell them to get the F*@# out. LOL jk, no, you should just do what the first guy said, thats the best aproach if you dont want a fight, but, if you want to be funny, tell them to get the F out. lol

Answer #4

This is an awesome answer lol. A little harsh but whatever.

Answer #5

if you have a pet snake bring it out :)and by snake i actually mean a snake

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