retracted testicals

I know my sons testicals had dropped as an infant. Everything has always been alright in that area. He is now 9 years. old and his testicals are not there, the sac is empty. What happened and do I need to get this checked out soon?

Answer #1

What about the whole “balls drop” thing? I thought there was something that happened later when the real, working testes drop, and I thought it was around your sons age, give or take.

Where are the men to answer this? They might save you a doctor’s trip.

I’m gonna go ahead and assume you know about your son’s packages because your his momma and he’s your baby and you pay attention to him or he asks you about stuff or both. Just maybe take care not to freak out about his genitals too much. It might freak him out too and scar him.

Best of luck. I bet he’ll be fine.

Answer #2

dude I would’nt worry. I mean your balls cant just suddenly go missin. they must be up in his stomach or somin ?

Answer #3

I’d say go with what the person above said. and Yes please do check it out

Answer #4


Answer #5

did he have a severe case of the mumps?

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