reply to your advice

Thanks for the good advice and I know you are right. We spend most of our time arguing because I can’t trust him. I know he has to be miserable too with all the arguing. He calls me a jealous freak and I tell him that he’s caused me to become a freak because he’s hurt me over and over and over again. I tell him he’s the jealous freak for going through my stuff. (I’m sure you can picture that nothing is EVER resolved).

Yes, he’s been physically abusive to me. He always says how sorry he is and does all kinds of things for me to make up for it. Nothing has happened since May (when he broke my wrist – he claimed he was drunk and didn’t realize what he was doing). He had seen a counselor after he broke my ribs and bruised my body in numerous places by kicking and punching me last November. After May, I told him if one more thing happens or if I think it’s going to happen, I’m calling the police.

I think I’m ready mentally and emotionally to move on. We have a marathon planned in Tucson in December. I’ll probably wait until after the marathon to break it for good.

Thanks again.

Answer #1

He sounds lioke he is very jealous & possesive. Don’t wait until the marathon is over. Get out of the relationship “NOW”, before it is too late. If I was you, I would go to the police and explain the situation to them and tell them you are breaking off with your boyfriend. Tell them you fear for your life and would like to have an order of protection against him. There is someone out there who will treat you like a lady and will treat you with respect. Your boyfriend does not have the right to put his hands on you.

Answer #2

Please go thru with it hun, you know you deserve better,

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