How do i remove an OS from a netbook??


I was wondering if i could remove windowsCE 5.0 from my netbook. It looks like a ASUS EEE but it isn’t, if you know what i mean. its a netbook, which says that its a ‘onebook’ model ‘N901’. I was just wondering if i could format the hardrive completely and install winflp? or maybe another os, such as puppy linux or ubuntu. i have looked on the web for ages trying to find some info but there isn’t HELP! haha xx

Answer #1

Format c:

At the command prompt, if you have one (eg, open dos, then type that).

Answer #2

it doesn’t have a command prompt. It does however let me form at the hardrive but the thing is, cuz its a netbook, it has multiple hardrives. there is one allocated to the os.

Also windows CE5.0 doesn’t even have a command prompt… let down! =[ x

Answer #3

In that case, you may be out of luck.

Answer #4

luckily i have a 6 year old laptop instead then lol… x

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