How can I try to remember my pass code for my iPod?

Answer #1

Write it down and keep it near the iPod.

Change it to a more memorable pass code.

Say or write the pass code over and over.

Answer #2

I mean, I forgot it and I’m still trying to remember

Answer #3

Do you mean before you set one up, or do you mean you have already forgotten it? If you are setting it up, try and make it an easy code to remember, it’s just your ipod, it’s not like it’s a bank vault. Maybe your birth year, your pet’s birth year, the last few digits of your cellphone number… etc. If you have already forgotten it, you could try writing down all numbers and sequences that mean anything to you, and piecing them together until your mind jolts with the code. Try birthdays, your eftpos pin, credit card pin, phone number digits, etc. You might be able to ring or pop into your nearest apple store as they might be able to reset it for you with proof of identity.

Answer #4

Oh… Sorry. :P

Answer #5

Make it spell a word. An easy word that you would be likely to remember. :)

Answer #6

im taking psychology and my teacher said to remember something you picture the image in ur mind … say you have a four digit passcode for example. the numbers are like that on a phone so you can choose a four letter word with any of the letters that correspond to that number. so if you were to choose something like fish for instance would be 3474. to remember the word fish picture a fish playing or jumping out of the water to steal ur ipod. as weird as this sounds it always works and you will remember ur password lol

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