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religion wich is better
witch is better just say like the religion name like this: christian,jewish,muslum, cathlic,etc. I kinda want 2 be cathlic
Religions are not ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than another, in my opinion because that is not the right question to ask. If you are searching for spirituality/ religion, you are probably searching for truth. I would do a lot of reflecting to first figure out who you are, then go searching for what you think is the most true (if that is what you search for). Personally, I am a Christian because I believe in paradoxes. I believe that God, the strongest being in existence, sent himself as a baby (a very weak being), to fellowship with us and give himself up for our wrongs so we could be with him for this world and the next. There are many different kinds of Christianity which include Catholicism, Evangelicalism, Presbyterian, Russian and Greek Orthodox, Anglicanism (which includes the American Episcopal Church), and Pentecostal. I believe that there are many kinds of Christianity because there are many different kinds of people. However, do not consider this lightly. Take your time and do a lot of reflecting. If you keep searching fervently, you will find whatever you are looking for.
“I think that Baptist is the most right one though. because God wants us to listen to his word and Baptists are all about following the bible and only the bible (Gods word).” aka it’s right - other religions are wrong - this one is better. No? What about other “books” that are also “gods words”? Why are they wrong, and only this one is right? What if I wrote a book and said those were gods words, would it be “wrong”?
“im not putting catholics down, but they usually believe that you get to heaven by good works and thats not how it is, you get to heaven by Jesus and only Jesus”
Uh, you kind of are putting them down. You simply rephrased “You are wrong and we are right”. And believing that you will get to heaven by doing good things is “better” than believing that anyone accepting jesus as their saviour, including murderers, will get there, don’t you think?
“(theres a verse in Romans somewhere that tells you that Jesus is the truth and the light, nobody gets through heaven except by him).” Okay, so? And what if he wrote that you have to eat 3 carrots every day to get to heaven, would you believe in that, too?
I believe that all religions are bullsh b/c god doesn’t exsist I mean c’mon…do you honestly think that when you die theres gonna be a man in the sky and an afterlife where you meet up w/ dead relatives? No! How can you believe that some chick “Mary the mother of jesus” had a kid w/o having sex? it’s all bullsh! I f you wanna have an imaginary friend in the sky who goes by the name of “god” then that’s up to u…If your gonna fallow any religion then I’d go w/ bein a satanist…people think satanists are all about whorshipping the devil and slaughtering infants which isn’t what it’s about, it can be, but doesn’t have to be…it’s about pretty much doing the opposit of what “god” wants you too…Christianity an much others are about absenece which is like not doing things like having sex before marrage,stealing,killing people,lieing,and what ever else where as satanists are all about indulgence! Doing things that lead to some sort of mental or physical gradifacation…I wouldn’t label myself as a satanist because im against all religions, buts that’s what im kinda like in a way…
To me, what religion you are matters not - ‘religion’ alone doesn’t gain you Heaven - what matters is whether or not a person accepts the free gift of Salvation offered, see John 3 : 16 - this explained: http://www.jesus2020.com/video.html
Take care !!
^ aka accept jesus as your saviour or burn in hell. Right.
I’d say, as many other did, try researching all of them. Or some. And see which one you like. Check out buddhism, for instance, seems to be quite a good religion. And they don’t have a god.
I would scout them all out and go with the one that provides the most answers. I find some of the smaller religions(many Christian sects come to mind) to rely less on intelligence and personal revelation and more on an unquestioning belief in what the preacher or pastor says.
Jesus doesn’t want ANY kind of religion, just a real relationship with Him. So I go for the Christ follower. Bless you as you find truth!
If you want to be cathlic then become cathlic. There are going to be many differnt opinions on this question and there is no better religion. (I spelld it wrong)
Oh man, you can’t really say which is better than another or not. They all offer something different, and they each have their different restrictions and rituals/ceremonies. If you really want to choose a religion for yourself, try to research as much as you can on all of them so that you know which one will be right for you. It’s important to know what you’re getting into because for some religions, once you get in, you can’t get out.
And in the end if you think that no religion suits you, that’s okay too. What’s important is that you have your own values in your heart and that you treat others the way you want them to treat you.
well, there isnt a “better” religion.
I think that Baptist is the most right one though. because God wants us to listen to his word and Baptists are all about following the bible and only the bible (Gods word).
im not putting catholics down, but they usually believe that you get to heaven by good works and thats not how it is, you get to heaven by Jesus and only Jesus (theres a verse in Romans somewhere that tells you that Jesus is the truth and the light, nobody gets through heaven except by him).
:) -deanna
There is no “better” religion - PERIOD.
christianity will do!
Catholic is a lot of steps. Do what you want to do.
I would prefer Muslim.
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