Why do Christians act this way?

Why do christians go out and tell everyone that there religion is right and everyone else religion is wrong?

Answer #1

This Christian is in agreement with any religion that teaches Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior - the religion ‘label’ matters not.

Answer #2

Cause it is,,, lol sorry but seriously christians who do that are true because true christians help people get to klnow god not pressure or attack any one else there are allot of false christians out there so please dont think thast way about all of us,,, just like others lie and are deceitful so are some christians no ones perfect,,,

Answer #3

fishkin I think logic, open-mind and science can help answer some of your age-old, long-ago answered questions.

No religion is right, especially christianity, it’s more likely god doesn’t exist. As for why they do, because the religion tells them to. It’s really annoying.

Answer #4

lol, thats what every religion does. I find it amusing when they get all into it and pissed off because they think their right. You can get em going so easy. Im right and this is how it is, your going to hell and im going to heaven. Thats some funny sh*t, at least im open minded

Answer #5

I honestly do not know a straight answer for this. I know sometimes, it sounds like christians are saying this, but I know some of them really don’t mean it to sound that way. I agree they sometimes do get pushy, but they just want to help people. At my youth group last Sunday, we were talking about this. We mentioned that if they do want to tell the “good news” they shouldn’t only tell the negatives to scare people into joining the Christian faith. For example, sometimes they might say something like, “You need to repent and ask God for forgiveness or you won’t go to heaven.” I think when they want to help people they should say kind of positive by saying stuff like, “God loves you and he wants you to be with him.” I hope that made sense. :)

Answer #6

thats a hard question because,some christians do that for money, others for publicity. but their wrong when they go out and judge people about what they believe in. because in the bible it says that, we should not judge people because that won’t get us into heaven, but telling people how and why god is who he is. then people will actually listen. instead of thinking christians are a bunch of bible hugging hipocrites, because thatswhat I thought, ask questions it’s good.

Answer #7

If the Christian religion is not true, then who created the earth and sky? did it just appear?no,it did not!who seperated the mighty seas? Who created YOU? who made the stars? who put the sun in its place? who put everything in its ways? who created all the animals? Do you really think an idol like buddah can do this? No! If you ever have any questions about christianity then please e-mail me at funkay3@hotmail.com.

Genesis 1:1 In the beggining, God created the heavens and the earth.

Answer #8

Mate, it is truly the love of Christ that we want to share. It is a relationship, not a hyped up religion. We truly want to share His personhood. He has His hand out to you calling you by your real whole name every second of every day, in between and during each breath you take, did you just take one, He gave that one to you also, during every heartbeat, at rest, and do you see the preciousness of yourself in His image?

Bless you for being here! Dan

Answer #9

Jesus transforms a life in such a way that it is very PERSONAL to each individual, but not to be PRIVATE! (emphasis added)

Answer #10

If you have a passion for something, others are going to know it, and it is all from the heart!

Answer #11


Answer #12

well the first comment really just made it seem like they all do it! but truth is they dont I dont beielve in any religion, nor do I respect it, but I think its ok for other people to beileive in what they want to…however most of them do go around thinking and saying that, but some dont…some popek just beleive in what they want and keep it to themselves

Answer #13

This has been answered by many people, so I think someone might have already said what I am going to. Some Christians want to spread the word, to convince everyone that this is the ‘right’ religion. Others prefer to hold their beliefs in, or to appear neutral. There are different types of people in every religion; in this case, those who are loud and those who are not. It’s not just Christianity, it’s every other religion too. It’s just Christianity seems the most prominent of all, as it is the most common in the english-speaking world. Britz

Answer #14

Because they base their belief in the bible, and that is what it teaches. To be true to God, they have to speak the truth, that they have received. One is not Christian, that believes in other faiths, or religions, except what the bible teaches.

I guess that might be kinda hard, since we are living in an age, where so many believe in everything. But, to be Christian, one has to believe what is taught, and handed down from the apostles and prophets of old. WE are to share our faith with everyone so that a person can know and understand who God is, if they choose to. However, we are never to try to force anyone to believe. God never forces himself on anyone. He is a gentleman. He offers, and if one declines, he will try again another time.

Answer #15

Praying discernment for you, never being ticked!

Answer #16

don’t people like warmheart just freak you out

Answer #17

There’s no place for Christians to do the ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ thing. If Christianity is right, it’s Jesus who is right, not the individual humans who have the benefits of following Him.

So I agree with the Christians here who are saying that we’re not here to judge, we’re not here to threaten, but if we are onto a good thing, it’s only selfish if we don’t let other people know about it.

The question is, how do we do that without giving the ‘right/wrong’ message? I think it was St Francis who recommended: ‘Preach the Gospel. Use words if necessary.’ Many times our actions are going to be more convincing than our words.

Answer #18

The simple answer is, because that’s what they believe. Why do they believe it? Because that’s what they were taught.

Answer #19

I don’t. I live and let live. I have my way that suits me and that is what I tell those who try to come into my home and change what I believe. I certainly don’t appreciate it. I only answer to those questions that are for the benefit of something not to start a riot. I am confident in my beliefs and I think we all should be. If you’re not quite there then you can make it a mission to find what belief suits you the best. Don’t be scared into a religion. Christ did not intend for anyone to be scared into believing in Him. Peace, Mama K

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