Is religion fair game to be mocked and made fun of?

Like sometimes on the updates people kinda make fun of religion, do you think its disrespectful. I dont how i feel about religion, my dad is religious, my mum, not so much. Do you get annoyed when you see it being mocked on a site like this or on tv and in general?

Answer #1

I think it’s being disrespectful. Everybody has their own opinion about religion but they don’t need to talk bad about someone else’s religion.

Answer #2

It depends. If someone has a worldview that makes them happy than in general I’m happy for them. When someone is hypocritical, uses religion to justify bigotry or hate, or if they believe that it is their duty to force their religion on everyone else than in my book they are fair game. I try to show other people at least as much respect for their worldview as they show for mine.

Answer #3

I guess it’s fair game. Religion has no protection from humor or satire in a society that allows free speech. I don’t really mind, though. I mean, the alternative would be censorship, which would be way worse. Sure, some things are disrespectful, but I personally don’t get annoyed. It’s best to just shrug what they say off and to not take it personally. The people saying this are probably either just being silly, or they’re intentionally trying to get a rise out of others. Don’t give them the reaction they want, haha.

Answer #4

It’s absolutely fair fame.

Answer #5

There are some WEIRD religions and practices out there! But Anna is right, it is disrespectful to make fun of any of them. When you think about it… horrible things have happened (and continue to happen) throughout history because of religion. I do get annoyed when I see people mocking other people because of their beliefs or lack thereof.

Answer #6

No but it’s not unexpected…..Evil (Satan) is very real….Jesus said ‘They hated me, they will hate you’… as a Christian, I can count it all joy being unashamed, I know in Whom and in What I believe…this is not my final home, TYJ …if you seek Him you will find Him…

Answer #7

why do people ask questions like this? I mean no offense but asking anything related to religion and we suddenly get a million comments fighting about who ever is right. Most of us live in free countries and religion is mocked by society. Deal with it. Society used to be religion. If you were an atheist you were probably an outcast. Times have changed and if you feel disrespected get off the site change the channel or just deal with it. Going too far I understand but slight jokes can be excused… People need to stop being so sensitive.

Answer #8

Religion is opinion, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone is also entitled to share and discuss their opinions and you will always come across others who have different opinions and who don’t agree with you. Just like you’ll come across people who think the same. It’s best to have your discussions with like minded people and avoid the hate of people who think differently.

Answer #9

Unless you are a Scientologist, then it’s fair game. I forgot to add that part. Muaha ha ha!

Answer #10

I have another question. Is religion in essence what we are looking for to fully satisfy us? If so, then would we be making fun of something we really want to know or experience?

Answer #11


Answer #12

I think it is disrespectful, but I recognize the grey area between harmless fun and disrespect.

Answer #13

I think if people looked more toward finding the common denominators rather then the exceptions there wouldn’t be as much to do about it.

Answer #14

Religion is…difficult. If a believer was told by God that he or she should kill…Nothing would stop him or her. It’s God’s will … Religion could be peaceful but it’s not. I think religion makes people uncomfortable, that is why it’s mocked. It’s fair enough. If Religion can be an excuse to murder people, then mockery is nothing compared.

Answer #15

I have to say this is a load of crap. I am a believer. If God told me to kill someone, I would be forced to reassess my beliefs, because that is going completely against my values. Contrary to your opinion, not all people who believe in a higher power are mindless idiots who cannot think for themselves.

Answer #16

Religion is often used as a reason to kill people. We have the Crusades, Inquisitions, Holocaust, witch hunts, manifest destiny, “pro-life” assassins killing doctors, etc. Yes, not all believers are murderers but VTP makes a valid point that religion can be a force for evil as well as good. I’ve always been fond of the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers. Best I can tell the RSOF never persecuted anyone and were among the first to oppose slavery and be for equality and suffrage for women. While we do have to be careful not to paint believers with too wide a brush currently it seems like overall religion is more of a force for evil than for good.

Answer #17

I ask because i have a dad who is very religious and mum who has become less religious over time, and im in the middle,

Answer #18

I say its fair game. I make jokes at the expense of my own religion and other peoples. I don’t really feel there are many topics that cant be mocked a bit. I don’t do it with anything malicious in mind, just for humor.

Answer #19

No, I am a Christian and I hate people making fun of that

Answer #20

This happens a lot. When a couple gets together they have compatible worldviews then over time they diverge. One of the arguments I make against marrying young (teens to early 20’s) is that we change a lot between 20 and 30. The person you marry at 20 will be a much different person at 30 and you too will change. Sometimes couples grow closer but more often they grow apart. Of course anyone can have an epiphany or change of heart but they happen more in the 20s.

Answer #21

Watching the Olympics and Gold metal winner Gabby Douglas just said ‘I give all the glory to God. It’s kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him, and all the blessings fall down on me’ !

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