I'm prejudiced against redheads

I’m prejudice against red heads. I’m not a judgemental person but every single one I’ve met has been annoying, mean or decietful. Am I the only one who experiences this? I dont want to be an a$s and right off that all redheads piss me off, but currently, it’s true. what the f*ck?

Answer #1

well the first nat. read head I met in my school , was an ashole, but im looking forward to meet other readheads, not all of them are like that

my guess ;)

Answer #2

I dye my hair red but I dont have a problem with Red heads they are just people I mean most of them from what I have known have been a little but fiery and hot headed but it depends on the person not what is on there head.

Answer #3

How harsh… someones hair colour says nothing about their personality.

Answer #4

GIVE THEM A CHANCE!! gosh there JUST people!! NO ALIENS or fruit heads!! So if you see one talk and you might actually come to one that you like!! There’s two red heads that are in my Science class and there both SOOO~ funny!! NoT mean just funny!! So take my advice and don’t be judgemental!!

Answer #5

It’s not like I’m affraid to talk to them.. I know quite a few and I don’t get along with any of them. I must just be hanging around the wrong ones lol

Answer #6

I know a lot of redheads. in fact, two of them are my best friends. one of the two is the sweetest person I have ever met. she is nothing like what you have described. and the other is a lot of fun. she’s a little hot-headed, but that’s nothing in comparison to what a great friend and person she is.

Answer #7

well, my fiance is a red head and he is very kind, loving, sweet, genourus, caring etc although he can be VERY!!! moody!! he has a very big temper but he never takes it out on me, I guess all red heads are firey with there moods but not all of them are complete a$$ holes xx

Answer #8

One of my good friends was a red head and she turened out to be a lying B* all that time, then I had a roomate who was a red head and he was an compulsive liar, too, but he was really nice though. I’m not prejudiced against red heads, I just think its a coincidence…have you noticed in Billy Madison how all the big bullies are read heads…It’s just funny I think maybe Adam Sandler (Happy-Madison production)is prejudiced against red heads haha!!

Answer #9

When you only meet a few people from a certain ethnic group it is easy to assume that the entire group is like those you met.

I worked form some rather crooked Koreans at one point. I found myself becoming prejudiced against them (especially when they left the country owing me 3 paychecks). Later I worked with Koreans who were exactly the opposite; honest, forthright, and generous to a fault.

There are good and bad people in every group.

Answer #10

Oh, you’re probably a red head.

Answer #11

it means you should leave the SITE.

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