Red undertones on Brown hair

Hi I have naturally very fine dark brown (horrid flat/lifeless) hair.I really want it hilighted to give it some ooooomh and depth,the trouble is its gone a horrible orangey brassy colour in the past and wont “lift” without using bleach,but then it either goes white blonde or more brassy (depending on how unlucky I am).Are there any tint hilights that would turn it honey/tofee caramel (think jennifer Anniston tones!)instead of yellow stripes??? Thankyou for taking the time to read this! xxxxxxxxxx

Answer #1

Hair glaze is the way to go. Salons will charge a bit for this (up to 100+), but it is usually worth it to have the salon do it first. My wife does this with extremely dark hair and the glaze took perfectly for highlights and didn’t dull out the shine.

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