Red eared slider turtle

Okay so I found a turtle in oklahoma a few months ago…and I brought him home to colorado. He lived and I found out that he is a red eared slider turtle. But hes no bigger than 2 inches…is he supposed to get any biggger?

Answer #1

your turtle could get to be as big as 12 inches long lengthwise, it could live 5+ years, red-eared sliders are the typical “pet shop” turtle. my parents had a couple of these turtles and they were quite content, until they got larger and my parents returned them to the wild.

good luck with your turtle.

Answer #2

I have a red eared slider turtle and yes turtles will grow by the size of their habitat if u keep it in a smaller tank it will grow much smaller than if in a lake or pond. When they reach about 5 years old they are fully grown and probably about 7 inches width of shell

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