Could anyone recommend some good horror/supernatural books?

I like horror/supernatural/drama books. I want to start reading a little more than i do, and i’m wondering could anyone recommend some interesting books? Even outside the genres mentioned above. :)

Answer #1

Still Life With Crows - by Douglas Preston. Its a very good horror/thriller book.

Answer #2

This isn’t exactly horror or super natural. But the malazan empire series by Steven Erikson. I don’t even usually read the type of books, but they are both challenging and brilliant.

Answer #3

Dean Koontz has some good books that are horror/supernatural.

Answer #4

1.The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. 2.Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. 3.The Magicians by Lev Grossman. 4.Dracula by Bram Stoker. & movie..

3.The Maximum Ride series. 4.Sweet hearts. 5.The truth about forever. 6.Hush Hush. 7.City of Glass was not bad, it’s a series … The Mortal Instruments Series to be exact.. 8.Sabriel by Garth Nix. 9.The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett (or anything by Terry Pratchett, for that matter). 10.”the great and secret show”- clive barker

  "the hellbound heart"-clive barker.

11.Bloodlines by Kate Cary

Here is a wide variety of novels & series.. Good luck on your treasure hunt.. I still prefer the”Twilight series.” Stephanie Myers is the best author., Since Ann Rice… My own personal opinion..

Answer #5

Check out the “Necronomicon” as well as any short-story collection by H.P. Lovecraft. Anyone who likes Horror should know Cthulu.

@ TERRYC: Prattchet is cool, but his stories have more humor than horror. And more fantasy stuff than supernatural stuff.

Answer #6

IT Steven King, SHOCKER!! Westcraven,

Answer #7

Let the right one in Handling the undead Harbour - all three of those are John Ajvide Lindqvist, I’ve only just bought Harbour, but it’s supposed to be very good.

I’d also recommend From Hell by Alan Moore, which was made into a pretty terrible fim, but the book is magnificent. It’s a very adult graphic novel, a fantastic read.

Answer #8

I know, I just gave her a nice little selection. Christine said to; “recommend some interesting books, Even outside the genres mentioned above.” So I did just that…

I think I will check out;

“Necronomicon.” I have had it recommended to me before, but I didn’t follow through on getting it. I will take your advice & I’m personally holding you responsible, if it is a poor selection. Ha, ha! Better be good….

Answer #9

It’s a little old-style. I mean it’s from the 1920s. But it’s still cool. “Call of Cthulu” is another cool Lovecraft short story.

Lovecraft has ancient, man-devouring tentacle monsters with god-like powers who creep in ruins beneath our feet or in deep sea.

I can also recommend short story collections by Karl Edward Wagner. But they’re out of print.

Answer #10

Clive Barker has several good horror books. One of my favorites is Weaveworld. Also his Books of Blood are good. What can i say… he has a sick mind, lol.

Answer #11

The book Romeo by Elise Title is a really good book…i’m not into horror books but that one always had me on the edge of my seat. [link removed] here’s the link to the book review if you want to see what it’s about.

Answer #12

it removed the link sorry…

Answer #13

I wouldn’t care if it was from the 1800’s. As long as it’s a good read. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it, just the same..

Answer #14

Hell Phone-William Sleator and Red Riding Hood-Sarah Blakley-Cartwright, Catherine Hardwicke, and David Leslie Johnson, It-Stephen King, Bloody Mary-Sean Patrick Traver, and Zodiac-Robert Graysmith are some horror books. I’ve read Hell Phone and Red Riding Hood…they weren’t all that scary but were ok scary. The rest i heard were real scary. so there.

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