Why do I keep receiving E-mails from FunAdvice?

I’ve gone to my settings and selected the stop receiving email option and it’s still updating me on photos and such that people have uploaded, and it’s annoying especially when I’m waiting for a specific email from somebody.

Answer #1

  Did you click the green “Update Settings” button at the bottom of the “My Settings” page?
  My guess is that you forgot to. Check it again, and if there is no tick in the “stop receiving email” box, put it in again, and click the green button.   The other possibility is that the emails you have recently received were already sent before you adjusted the FunAdvice email options, and the emails have been in transit and only just arrived.    

Answer #2

This is the most likely reason, but if you’ve checked the box, updated the page and you’re still receiving the emails later today (as in, you’re getting alerts from newly posted content), let me know.

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