Really hating this.

Okay, I really hate this, but I’ve never had a boyfriend. I don’t know how to approach guys at all. I’m really shy and think I’m really unnattractive. Anyone have any tips?

Answer #1

OK. I’m a guy. When a girl comes up to me, being herself, not putting on a show, not trying to impress me, that is when I seem to be most impressed. Tell the guy about yourself, and ask questions about him, get to know each other. Boyfriend just doesn’t happen over night usually. If there is someone you like, talk to them. Go to dinner or a movie or something. Go out, don’t even ask it to be a date, just ask to hang out. Have a good time. Then, after that, if you still like the person, let them know. :]

When I started high school I had no idea how to talk to girls, lol. And that’s kinda what I did, was just, be myself.

Answer #2

I agree with mnarman092 just be yourself cause eventually you going to be yourself anyway and if your boyfriend finds out that you’re completly different than when you stated going out he might leave you cause he liked the person that he met at first and was going out with (sorry if that doesn’t make sense) but as far as getting a boyfriend, I personally don’t like it when a girl tries to hard to please me, I like to work for it instead of have it handed to me. So just find out who you want to go out with and be kinda flirty but don’t just jump to him. I’m not sure if its the same for anyone else but thats my advice.

Answer #3

don’t let that put you down, you’re just looking it at the wrong point of view. its easy to focus on the people who have a boyfriend than the people who don’t. truth is, most people don’t have a real first relationship until they’re out of high school. you have to be yourself no matter what because if you try to be someone else no ones going to like you for who you really are. show guys that you’re interesting somehow & you’re not like any other girl out there. also you’re probably to harsh on yourself, I’m sure you can find a guy who will find you attractive. boost up your confidence & don’t worry because everyone gets rejected. good luck!

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