Really bad migraine?

I have had like reallly bad migrain for like 6 hours now and my head feels really hot and feels like a hammer is hitting my head and I feel like iam going to callapse any second. I have taken advil and everyytthinngg. Are there any other things I could do to make this stop and iam not stressed or anything

Answer #1

lay down, stay in the dark, put ice on your head…and try to sleep..

thats the only thing that works for me..I get them a lot

Answer #2

The advice from n183 is correct. If that doesn’t work and you are still in a lot of pain you can go to the hospital and they can give you something for the pain. I have suffered with terrible migraines for years. The only releif that I got was going to my doctor and was put on a beta blocker that helps prevent migraines, and was also given a medication for when a attack occured to take that works to get rid of the migraine. Unfortunetly what works for one person doesn’t always work for another. a lot of the time it is trial and error to find what will help each individual person. It took my twin sister 1 year and trying different medications to find what worked for her. The beta blocker that I am on is apo-nadol, and the medication I take when an attack occurs is gravergol. Hope you find some releif soon!

Answer #4

If it really is a migraine, then try going to bed in a DARK room and listen to soft music. If you can get to sleep, so much the better. Usually with a migraine your eyes become very light sensitive.

Answer #5

Your family doctor might be willing to prescribe Topamax. It prevents migraine and has changed my life.

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