Random rash/breakout on breasts?

I went upstairs to have a shower not too long ago and when I took off my bra this HUGE rash/breakout was all under my breasts and on the sides. Little red bumps covered like every spot! It didnt go onto my chest though. This is the first time it has happened. So random! What is it and why did it happen? I havent sweat all day or anything, I’ve been at home just hanging out.

Answer #1

Could be heat rash or an allergic reaction to something…if it persists, see a doctor.

Answer #2

Are you wearing a new bra? You may be allergic to the material… Or if you have switched to a new laundry detergent, your skin may be sensitive.

Answer #3

Hi Fau, sorry to hear about your difficulty. If the rash does not go away within a few weeks, if the rash burns or itches you really should see your Dr. The problem believe it or not ,could be a yeast infection of the skin. Sounds yucky but I guess it is fairly common. You can do a google search for pictures and also for articles about skin rashes. Best to you! ☺

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