Random Questions!

Talk to the person you love for the rest of life on the phone or see them in real life and get to do stuff with them but have no communication?

Be forced to cut off your toe or your finger?

Be bald you whole entire life or just have no legs?

Go to school nude or get caught have sex by your parents?

Kill a little kid or kill your grandma?

Be bored for the rest of life or never be born?

Go to an oprah for twenty straight hours or cut off all your toe-nails?!

Music or gore??

Answer #1
  1. See them

  2. Neither! I would like to keep ALL my fingers AND toes o.o

  3. Be bald I guess…

  4. Oh dear… both sound rather unpleasent. I wouldn’t want to go to school nude for obvious reasons EVERYONE WOULD SEE ME NAKED… EVEN THE GEEKS!!! and as for my parents catching me having sex… well they’d kill me AND the guy! lol

  5. That’s terrible! I wouldn’t want to kill anyone…

  6. I suppose I’d live with being bored…

  7. Well I don’t really like watching Oprah… but I’d like to keep my toe nails too…

  8. Music

Answer #2
  1. See them in real life and get to do stuff with them but have no communication

  2. Toe

  3. Be bald

  4. Well I’m not in school no more so I guess get cuaght having sex lol

  5. Ehh I guess I’d bump off granny since she’s hella old anyway… lol I sounded gangster by saying that but whatever haha

  6. Be bored

  7. cut off my toe nails fer sure!

  8. BOTH!!!

Answer #3
  1. phone 2.finger 3.bald 4caught sex 5.gramdma 6.never born 7.oprah 8music!!!
Answer #4

talk to them on the phone, I need to hear them say they love me(:

toe, no one would be able to see it

be bald, I could always wear wigs

get caught having sex,I would think it was funny

grandma, she has lived out her life to the fullest… wow I feel like a b*tch saying that

never be born, I HATE being bored

cut off all of my toenails?

musicc fer sure! its like my life

Answer #5

no communication



depends on which grandma never born

cut toenails

Answer #6

get to do stuff with them but no communtication.

my toe.


get caught having sex.


live a bored life.

oprah.. lol..

music ;)

Answer #7

–Me personally

Talk to the person you love for the rest of life on the phone or see them in real life and get to do stuff with them but have no communication? phone

Be forced to cut off your toe or your finger? toe

Be bald you whole entire life or just have no legs? no legs

Go to school nude or get caught have sex by your parents? nude

Kill a little kid or kill your grandma? grandma

Be bored for the rest of life or never be born? never be born

Go to an oprah for twenty straight hours or cut off all your toe-nails?! go to an oprah

Music or gore?? gore

Answer #8

alk to the person you love for the rest of life on the phone or see them in real life and get to do stuff with them but have no communication? NO COMMUNICATION

Be forced to cut off your toe or your finger? TOE

Be bald you whole entire life or just have no legs? BALD..I CAN GET SOME GOOD WIGS

Go to school nude or get caught have sex by your parents? GET CAUGHT HAVING SEX…THEY’LL GET OVER IT

Kill a little kid or kill your grandma? MY GRANDMA…SHE’S OLD ANYWAY

Be bored for the rest of life or never be born? BE BORED

Go to an oprah for twenty straight hours or cut off all your toe-nails?! CUT OFF MY TOE NAILS

Music or gore?? MUSIC

Answer #9

Talk to the person you love for the rest of life on the phone or see them in real life and get to do stuff with them but have no communication? Dont Know.

Be forced to cut off your toe or your finger? Eww A Toe

Be bald you whole entire life or just have no legs? Bald, Id Get A Wig.

Go to school nude or get caught have sex by your parents? Neither

Kill a little kid or kill your grandma? Neither

Be bored for the rest of life or never be born? Bored

Go to an oprah for twenty straight hours or cut off all your toe-nails?! Watch Oprah

Music or gore?? Music.

Answer #10

Talk to the person you love for the rest of life on the phone or see them in real life and get to do stuff with them but have no communication? Get to do stuff but no communication.

Be forced to cut off your toe or your finger? My toe.

Be bald you whole entire life or just have no legs? Bald.

Go to school nude or get caught have sex by your parents? Get caught having sex.

Kill a little kid or kill your grandma? I’d rather kill myself.but seriously grandma.

Be bored for the rest of life or never be born? Never be born

Go to an oprah for twenty straight hours or cut off all your toe-nails?! Go to Oprah.

Music or gore?? Gore, I think [:

Answer #11

Talk to the person you love for the rest of life on the phone or see them in real life and get to do stuff with them but have no communication? I’d rather get to be with them.

Be forced to cut off your toe or your finger? I’d lose a toe, people couldn’t see it as easily.

Be bald you whole entire life or just have no legs? bald, I’ll get a good weave.

Go to school nude or get caught have sex by your parents? get caught having sex.

Kill a little kid or kill your grandma? grandma, both of mine have already passed.

Be bored for the rest of life or never be born? a life bored is better than no life at all.

Go to an oprah for twenty straight hours or cut off all your toe-nails?! OPRAHHH!

Music or gore?? uhh music, easy.

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