what is it with that rahul123 guy and masterbating?

Answer #1

I don’t know. This is a social site, why not send him a message and ask him?

Answer #2

Theres nothing wrong with asking questions about masterbation, im assuming hes a young guy and is curious and learning about his own body. Afterall, masterbation is sex with the person you love the most!

Answer #3

LOL, I love it.

Answer #4

he was the guy that told that 13 year old girl to put up a video of herself masterbating and he is 21

Answer #5

It really isnt appropriate to be asking about other users and why they ask the questions they do. In the future please direct this to the user directly or to the admin if you have concerns.

Answer #6

I suggest you report that to the admin

Answer #7

It’s not nice to be asking something like that but if you really wanna know funmail him

Answer #8

Chris Hansen will be visiting him soon. “Nice to meet you, why don’t you have a seat over there”

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