What is a quick way to get rid of a UTI?

So far this year (since January 2012) I’ve had 2 UTI’s. Im starting to get one again & I’m getting fed up with it. The pain is so unbearable, I could keel over & cry. They last 5 days on average. I’ve tried cranberry juice, drank lots of water & took a warm bath with no soap, I don’t think it’s normal to get them this often. So my doctors advice don’t work, does anyone have any advice what may be causing it or remedies to get rid of it FAST. Thanks

Answer #1

They have UTI meds at the store, u cud drink lots of water and I have heard cranberry juice

Answer #2

What do you tend to drink ‘a lot’ of? Iced tea and/or coffee, is some of the issues, I’ve been told by my gynecologist. I’ve had it during my menstrual cycle and it felt like something similar to a Kidney Infection which you don’t want to get while having a UTI.

Answer #3

I don’t normall drink coffee, just milk and water. I don’t imagine that would be fun at all! Another question I was going to ask, does being constipated (a week or so) cause UTI’s?

Answer #4

To add on to that, have you visited your gyne lately? Possibly given a pill to help stimulate and get rid of it. Mainly taking all the pills for better improvements. and if your not a water drinker…guess what? you have to drink lots of water while taking that pill, to flush your system out. Another suggestion I got from my doctor, wasn’t so impressed and it was my first, just be cautious of energy drinks as well as anything with high-fructose. Good luck~

Answer #5

Hmm….I’ve done a bit of reasearch and some viewers in the link I’ll provide will hopefully answer it^^ http://funadvice.com/r/15r9l616835 Kinda gross in the story…but after you feel constipated, “wipe front to back, to avoid bacteria from entering your urethra, to cause infections”

Answer #6

How did your doctor treat it? You should have been put on a course of antibiotics and if those didn’t work, a stronger one should have been tried. It sounds like it never really went away.

One of the weirdest things I tried was drinking a lot of beer in a small amount of time. I am not a beer drinker but I tried Bud Light (rice based) and had about 4 of them in 8 hours. I couldn’t believe that it actually worked. Have tried it since, and it worked again.

I can’t imagine constipation being related to your UTI, however, it’s making me wonder if you’re drinking enough water.

Quite honestly, though, I think you should go back to the doc with a urine sample, and ask for antibiotics. The bad news is that when you take a course of antibiotics you can end up with a yeast infection, lol, so get an anti fungal just in case!

Answer #7

Actually, a kidney infection is a type of UTI.

Answer #8

Buy cranberry pills at any local store. Right when I start to feel one I take one and it will be gone in an hour! Works wonders! Also drink a bottle of water to flush things out

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