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Quick AOL ?
Hi there, Editor.
Question: in AOL, I used to be able to retreive old emails connected (either sent or rec’d) from someone simply by typing their email address in a Search box. I can’t even find the Search box anymore. Is this feature from AOL gone now?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Mike J.
Hi Mike,
I actually don’t use AOL at all, so I can’t tell you from experience. But I did find someone post this in a help forum for AOL:
I manually forward then copy and paste the text into my inmail.txt and outmail.txt files. I can take them anywhere and search them with my Desktop Search.
Sorry to say, that makes it sound like they removed the feature. (Switch to gmail…)
Best, Dara aka editor
I thinks so… you shouldnt pay AOL $26 bucks a month for email…It should be free!!! good luck getting rid of them yourself though. I heard www.AOLBusters.com in the only way to cancel AOL…It worked for me.. I hate AOL, they billed me for over 3 years after I tried to cancel
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