Quick AOL ?

Hi there, Editor.

Question: in AOL, I used to be able to retreive old emails connected (either sent or rec’d) from someone simply by typing their email address in a Search box. I can’t even find the Search box anymore. Is this feature from AOL gone now?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Mike J.

Answer #1

Hi Mike,

I actually don’t use AOL at all, so I can’t tell you from experience. But I did find someone post this in a help forum for AOL:

I manually forward then copy and paste the text into my inmail.txt and outmail.txt files. I can take them anywhere and search them with my Desktop Search.

Sorry to say, that makes it sound like they removed the feature. (Switch to gmail…)

Best, Dara aka editor

Answer #2

I thinks so… you shouldnt pay AOL $26 bucks a month for email…It should be free!!! good luck getting rid of them yourself though. I heard www.AOLBusters.com in the only way to cancel AOL…It worked for me.. I hate AOL, they billed me for over 3 years after I tried to cancel

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