Questions deleted

Im trying to get peoples edvice on serious questions but they keep getting deleted how do I make them stop deleting my stuff

Answer #1

you call those serious??? speed is a drug and you want to try it to loose weight??? are you nuts? and you blatantly said you are bulimic so the first one is a NO NO read the terms of use and get acquainted with the rules…

Answer #2

Eating disorder questions aren’t allowed here - or any indication of it. I’m sorry hunny but if you are strugging with an E.D you need to speak with a professional. Maybe this site can help you:

Answer #3

my questions were:how do I tell my mom im bulimic and the other one was:I want to try speed to lose weight

Answer #4

Maybe their inappropriate or something.

Answer #5

You can’t talk about eating disorder on the site, read the terms or service.

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