Push Up bras

okay I have tiny boobs but I want them 2 look bigger I here that push up bras hurt and I dont no how 2 get my mom 2 buy me 1! pleeez help! : ) tutti_fruitti_girl

Answer #1

they dont hurt at all. lol

Answer #2

OR try a demi bra, with a push up in the bra x’D

Answer #3

Don’t stuff your bra, some guys can tell and it looks unecessary.

You should look for something comfortable, don’t do anything that will be painful or annoying.

Answer #4

It depends on the size of your breasts because if you have big breasts then push up bras can be uncomfortable but if yours are about an “A” or a “B” then it should be okay.

Answer #5

just go bra shopping with your mom if you have too and dont mention a push up bra just say its comfortable and no other ones are

Answer #6

trust me, more guys can tell than you think. thats all we look at.

Answer #7

water bra

Answer #8

I dont wear them, but I doubt they hurt, they might feel a tad bit tight though, but just dont buy one that pushes them up to fair or too tight, then you look fake. and you dont want that.

Answer #9

No they don’t hurt. There’s just some added fabric on the lower part of the bra to give your breasts a boost. I <3 them!

Answer #10

I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM. my mother doesn’t even WANT me to wear skinny jeans- TOO skinny as she says but I do anyways. and with a push-up bra? she says I have no breast-thtey are tiny like a 30a. but victoria’s secret has 32aa push up bras too. but much expensive and I LOVE their brand thoughh. I can buy them online with her credit card and pay her back but she’ll be like “A PUSH UP BRA?! YOU DON’T NEED ONE , YOU’LL BE A SL** LIKE YOUR SISTER. blah blah”

Answer #11

nope, they dont hurt theres lots of different kinds of push up bras now most have a sponge insert to push them up some have cream or water insert…or you could get a normal water bra even the playboy range has a lot of new push up bras but they might be a bit too extreem for you right now just get something with a small spone insert you can buy bras that you can change the inserts or you can buy ones with them permanently in there

Answer #12

first of, its not ment to hurt and if it does then its not the right fit on you. try Aerie by american eagle.(in canada there is an aerie store and they have bras and omg never knew COMFORTABLE existed in the world of bras!! and the girls who work there are realy nice and they can answer your questions=)

Answer #13

just stuff your regular bra with toilet paper, it works just as well

but if you insist on getting one, tell your mom your problem she might understand.

I’ve never had one so I don’t know if they hurt

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