Help I need puppy advice

How to house train my new chihuahua puppy.I barely got her and I have no clue how to train her.I have puppy pads ,but whats a good way to show her how to use them and keep using them.

Answer #1

maby someone should do that to you

Answer #2

The number one ingredient to have a house trained dog is…vigilance. You must make housetraining your ‘thing’ for anywhere from 10 days to two weeks. Keep slip-on’s by the back door, and a bathrobe or something quick to get into handy…because for this two weeks…housetraining will be your mission.

Your goal is…to beat the puppy to the punch…You’ll learn his signals just by doing all that vigilance…like they’ll start sniffing, and circling…you pick him up and take him out BEFORE he goes…Rules of thumb are also…For puppies, take him out immediately when he wakes up (do not let him follow you to the door…pick him up and carry out the door)…take out immediately after eating. During play a little puppy should be taken out every 20 minutes or so (aren’t you glad they sleep so much??

If you’re trying to train an adult, you still need to get them out immediately after they wake up…and after they eat…they can go longer during their play time.

Crate the pup/dog when you cannot watch it (when you leave, or are ultra busy)…instinct is for them to not dirty their nest…so make sure the crate is only big enough to stand up, turn around, etc…A new puppy will need to get out once during the night…but that only lasts a week or so…You don’t want the puppy having to go so bad he dirties his nest…you do NOT want to break that instictive barrier…once that’s happened it’s hard to undo.


PS…when you get the pup outside…say ‘pee pee’ or whatever…then love them up BIG when they go…this will get them to go on command, and save you from having hang out and wait in the future.

Answer #3

Being consistent is good as I too have a 3 1/2 month old puppy and trying to house train him still. I got him a couple of weeks ago. Good luck! I’m right there in the same boat with you. I have puppy pads myself and he lays on them usually (peed on it once). I usually take Keyzer out to potty about 10 or so minutes after he eats.

Answer #4

take him/her out every 20 min or so and take it to the same spot everytime also everytime it drinks or eats anything sometimes you can tell when they are getting ready to go they might sniff the floor or turn in circles you can also try kenal training when you leave or go to bed put him in there cause they wont go where they sleep good luck

Answer #5

Go ask your vet.

Answer #6

fork to the back of the skull. about 3.25 inches in. it will never disobey you again.

Answer #7

what kind of person are you inventingwheels that is so fu*king mean

Answer #8

Okay, youve brought home that precious, oh-so-cute puppyand now youve got to teach him how to live in your worldbut wheres the training manual?

The bad news is, they dont come with oneand house training puppies is work. But the good news is, training them is still fun and rewarding too!…so let’s get started.

To begin with, have the right expectations.

Your puppy simply wont be able to control himself very well for 3 months or moreand it will be another 3 months or more after that before hell have full control of his bladderso understand straight off that youll be working with him for that longpace yourself.

Routine, Routine, Routine!

Your best partner in house training your puppy is to set up and stick to a feeding and watering schedulefeed and water him at the same times every day no exceptionsno snacks in between; no special treatsin this way your pups body will automatically respond to the schedule and become predictablethis will help you immensely with your house training.

Observation is the key.

Now that hes on a schedule, youll find out that your little guy will need to go shortly after each feeding session, shortly after each watering session, and probably every 45 to 90 minutes in between each of those sessionsevery day. Observe him closely and discover what his body language is when he needs to relieve himself.

Dont leave him unattended if you can help it, but if you must leave him alone, confine him to a single (always the same) space. Make sure a large part of that space is covered with newspapers too (about 3 sheets thick).

When he uses the papers, clean up the mess and replace the papersbut place one of the soiled papers right in the middle of the new batchthis will help build the here is where I go idea in his brain. Over time (weeks not days) his aim will improve and youll be able to reduce the papered area to maybe just a single sheet.

Now what?

Okay, youre beginning to know your pooch like the back of your hand, so when you see the signs that he has to go, put him on a leash and take him outside to the place you want him to use. Make this the same place every time; dont switch it around on him. Be patient and when he finally goes, make sure to give him a lot of praise and strokesyou want him to associate that praise with his actions so his little doggie brain will remember Go Outside = Good Stuff!

But what if he has an accident?

If he goes where no dog has gone before, immediately, make eye contact with him and correct him with a firm No then lead him to the place you want him to use (either outside or his papers).

But you must remember (and I cant emphasize this enough) you can only do this if you catch him in the actif its any later, even just seconds later, your correction wont work, he wont make the connection you wantin fact, it will have a negative impactso, if thats the case, youll just have to be more vigilant and catch him the next time.

But once the deed is done, clean up the mess completely and remove the odor completely too, because it will be the smell that brings him back to that spot for a return visit.

Last but not least.

Keep in mind that this will take timewere talking weeks here (I did say that house training puppies was work didnt I?)some dogs will be able to control themselves sooner than others and some will learn what you want from them sooner than others. If you want to be successful in the shortest amount of time, its up to you to be persistent and consistent so your buddy has the best chance to learn.

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