Promiscuous girl

Kay, well, before I ask my question, I just wanted to tell ya’ll not to get preachy, because my mind is made up and nobody is changin it. Well, tonight I’m having sex wit this really hot guy at school. Problem? I’m a virgin and it hurts even when I stick my finger in my pussy. He’s big, like 6,0 and pretty fat to. Wouldn’t that kill? Thanks

Answer #1

Kay, well, I decided not to do it. After I thought it over, I realized what a BAD idea it was, I’m never even considering anything like that again. Thanks for the advice. Peace

Answer #2

Ok, since you have pointed out that you have made up your mind, not that i agree with you but i cant be bothered giving a whole speech about why i disagree since it wont do any good, the only thing i can say is to make sure you are well lubricated so it doesnt hurt as much. Becos if you are dry it will hurt you and him. USE PROTECTION.

Answer #3

Your name contradicts what you say about still being a virgin!

The size of a guys body has NOTHING to do with the size of his anatomy! Just because hes a big guy doesnt mean his penis is gonna be big!

If you have your mind set on doing it no mattter what, then why the are you here asking if its gonna hurt? You are setting yourself up for hurt girl, and if you want guys to know that you are easy , then thats exactly how you will be treated….with NO respect. Your first time should be with a guy whos earned his love for you over a long period of time, not just some “hot” guy from school whos only gonna USE you and throw you away. You need to start respecting your body, and yourself, or no one will!!

Regret is a hard price to pay!!!!

Answer #4

ur are going to regret it watch but im no one to say anything well i so agree with my buddy up here “USE PROTECTION” and yes first time always hurts but it also depends how gentle ur partner is with you but no matter what it hurts

Answer #5

good for you

Answer #6

Im so glad to hear that hun, you need to wait theres no rush, wait until you find someone you can love and trust to be your first.

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