procotions to take for sex

My boyfriend and I have gottan really close lately and I think he wants to have sex. He has done it before I havent like im still a virgin. Ok so I have 3 Questions: (please answer as may as possable!!!!!) 1)How much will I bleed like will it actually come out. 2)my friend told me it is better if we use 2 condoms instead of one is she right? 3)if I give head should I swollow his cum or will it get me pregnant? please help me ….thanx so much

Answer #1

seriuosly the only one i wanna answer is number 3 its ur choice to swallow it or not. its not thick its like as thin as water and rel salty asting. he will only cum for bout a 30 seconds to a min. it aint gonna get u pregnant, u can though get diffrent kinds of stomache cancers from it htough but its rare. theres diffrent diseases u can get from it though. for more help u can go to

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