Showing cleavage at school

I show clevage at school adn I feel like I cant cover it up cause ill like be ugly, but the thing is I know im pretty awww sooo confused

Answer #1

maybe you could focus on finding things you like about yourself that have nothing to do with self image. you may be very physically attractive at first glance, but ask any sane dating person and they will say confidence is the sexiest attribute you can have.

Answer #2

You can cover it up and still look good. I personally think people look better when they are wearing clothes that don’t show a lot, it makes them look more professional and mature. If you go around showing your goods to people, you will most likely be taken for something you aren’t.

Answer #3

I show clevage all the time and its ok to its your body…as long as your boobs not halfway out or anything…but remember that if you do do it do it because you like to …because you think it looks good not to impress or make yourself look better…you still look the shure that your confident in who you are before you expose your body.and dont go overboard because ull send the wrong message. -v-

Answer #4

I guess it wont hurt to show a little bit of cleavage for school but too much can go tooo far as guys might not look at you they may look at your booobs just be yourself sum times boys are just in it for ya looks not your personality so try a day or few with no cleavage and see how it works and try a day or few with a bit of cleavage if you need anymore advice or help and if you have msn just comment me with your email addy :)

Answer #5

You should not be ashamed of covering up. In my opinion it’s more classy and people will give you more respect and treat you in a more mature manner. It’s not ugly to cover up your body ever and people namely guys will make us think it is because we live in such a superfical society. Be confident in who you are you don’t need boobs to make you confident or sexy… there are other ways without focusing on that one part of your body. Believe that you beautiful because you are!

Answer #6

Ouch, everyones taking hits at guys on this question but thats alright because some guys are like that and then a lot of girls are just as shallow as most guys. But as to the question, its your body. While I think you are just being a little unconfident about how you look. Althoug I will say this, guys will treat you differently depending on how you dress, hell everyone will treat you differently depending on how you dress, take that into consideration next time your getting ready to go to school.

Answer #7

showing cleavage is fine. it isnt bad. im a guy an I dont go out with a girl because she looks good. I go out with them becasue of their personality. looking good will get you attention but if a person just looks good on the outside an is a complete !!! on the inside then only a shallow person would go out with them becasue of their looks. fun mail me so we can talk more. thanx

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