probably pregnant?

ok so me and my boyfriend had sex like 10 times now without a condom. I am infact on birthcontrol but I’ve only been on it for 19 days. he did pull out. but of course there still is precum. and I know that can get you pregnant more likely than regular because it carries more active sperm than actual cum. since he pulled out and I have been taking the birthcontrol for 19 days. whats the chance I could be pregnant.?

Answer #1

No pill works immediatly. I dont know what you are reading, but all pills take atleast 1-2 weeks to kick in, some take a month.

Although, you have been taking the pill for 19 days, and he has been pulling out. Pre-cum does have sperm in it, but not as much obviously, because there is less of it. The chances of you being pregnant are very slim.

Answer #2

You shuld read the manual you got with your pill or even look up the pill on the internet and you will find a more helpfull updated version. I don’t know about you’rs but the pill im on works imediantly and it’s safe to have sex whenever you like x

Answer #3

It’s recommended that you take your pill for least one month before having unprotected sex, even though many varieties of birth control pills say one to two weeks.

It is a precaution, but it is a serious precaution, since the chances of getting pregnant right now are slightly better than none.

You’re probably fine, but I’d be a little more careful for the first month. You never know if you’re one of those girls in the small percentile that is excessively fertile.

Answer #4

Well im very sorry but the booklet I got with my pill says it works imediatly so thats were im getin my information from ta.

Answer #5

Infact I found it here ;

Dianette Tablets patient information leaflet page 39 “By starting this way you will have contraceptive protection at ONCE”


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