proactive vs others.?

I’m a fourteen year old girl, and I have been using the same product to clear acne for awhile, going on maybe a year or two. well it stopped working as well. and its not getting any better. im thinking about switching to clean and clear acne control kit. but im not sure. can you help me ?

Answer #1

your body probably got used to it so changing for a while might be the best thing to do. remember if you have sensitive skin a new one may mess up but clean and clear sound like a good choice =) if your acne is really bad then maybe you should see your doctor.

Answer #2

It IS best to change your regular facial products every now and then as your skin does adjust to it and you stop getting the same effects. When you change, your skin may break out a bit as it gets used to it, but stick with it and it will settle down. Then change back to your original one in about 6 months and it should be good again. Don’t use clearasil as I used that once and my skin was sooo dry and tight and flaky it was horrible. I don’t find that clean & claer works overly well but it might just be me. I use clinique products which are pricey but very good and kind to your skin.

Answer #3

thanks guys so much :)

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