Why can't I press the "e" button in my blackberry?

It suddenly happened yesterday.so I copied the “e” letter from some messages I received and just paste it when needed.quite torturing anyway lol what do I do?

Answer #1

fix the circuit, probably sat on the black berry (or some numbskull pressed it too hard) does the button stick or it just doesnt respond?

try turning it off and on (remove the battery as well) if all else fails do a default settings roll back

if THAT doesnt work, well if u dont want it ill have it XD

Answer #2

It doesn’t respond :/ been trying to press it really hard but cant.it only appears sometime :/ yeah I’ve rebooted it twice but still it won’t work… Hhahaha…if you wanna have this then you must buy me the new one first XD XD

Answer #3

lol yeah then its the circuits fault

send it to a repair shop, cant do nothing more about it

Answer #4

uhmm yeah I guess so :/ that might be the very last choice…or maybe I’m gonna wait til one or two days ahead.who knows miracles do come :p thanks so much anyway (;

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