
me and my girlfriend had sex to days ago, we were quite drunk, I did use a condom and it was in date and I put it on proplry, after a while I realised that it had split so I told her and we stoped. I didnt cum but am still woryed about pre cum. she seems completley un fased and said she would have and abotshon if she is pregnet witch is what I would want. she will be on her piriod in a week and we will see if she misses it. were 14 so we dont kneed a parents signature or anything but a doctor would kneed to know wether or not we fully understand the preseger. this is not a question but more of just like…ummm duno, but please coment because id like to hear or read your vews

Answer #1

I think an abortion is the best idea for you guys Now, I KNOW some pro life people are going to comment and be like, keep it and give it to a family and blah blah BLAH! But ignore them Its what is best for you. But I personally think that you dont need to be worrying about this right now. You didnt cum. And pre cum its self doesnt contain sperm, it just flushes out any old sperm. Dont worry. Just wait and see But its good you are thinking ahead. :]

Answer #2

thanks, yer I agrey, thanks I wont worry aout it ot much. :)

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