Pregnant or not with unusual circumstances...

So my period is about two weeks late, although Im rarely regular. I had sex for the first time a couple days ago, and im worried the condom leaked or something, it was on old one, lol. When I had sex my period was already late, and Im still not getting it. Do you think this means I might be pregnant, or mean there is a higher/lower chance of pregnancy? I know its early, but im worried…

Answer #1

I personally think that would be a waste of money anyways, it really, really sounds to me like you’re safe.

Answer #2

There is an extremely low chance you’re pregnant. There are other things that can cause a late period; stress, body changes, etc.

Answer #3

Firstly you say that your periods aren’t usually regular therefore there is a high chance that you aren’t pregnant. You would probably know if the condom had broke so just calm down; you stressing could make your period become late anyway. You could always take a test just to be on the safe side. Also maybe consider a secondary contraceptive to be even safer.

Answer #4

thanks guys, the problem is I cant got to the store to get a test or emergency conttraceptive without my parents knowing, and also I have no money. My parents hold it, wont let me use it because im sopposed to be saving for a trip to Rome this summer… yes they are extremely protective/overbearing. I guess all there is to do is wait and see…

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