Pregnant?! Help!

I’m 15 & my boyfriend is 16, & I’m on the birth controll patch!

But for about a week or 2, my stomach has being killing me & my boobs kinda hurt a little! & some morning I feel like I wanna throw up but I just lay there and it goes away!

Im scared because im 4 days late on my period!

Someone help me!?!

Me && my boyfriend are so scared because if iam

We will both be kicked out of our homes & my parents will disown me!

I dont know what to do.

Answer #1

moving out on your own is already a big enough responsibility by itself; you have rent, utilities, trash bills, phone bills, money for food, ect. being 15 and 16 I don’t see that happening without a struggle. (no offense to you guys, I’m sure you are great kids, but thinking realistically not many 15 or 16 year olds can move out and be independent and on their own) having a baby would make it 100x harder; you would have to pay for food, diapers, formula, toys, clothes, doctors appointments, ect. babies are very expensive and putting a baby on top of rent, utilities, ect., would be close to impossible. if you are pregnant you need to think of the baby and what would be best for it. if you or your boyfriend would have no support from your families I think adoption would be the very best option. as for your parents disowning you, I do not think any parent could do that and stick with it. dont worry about that; they may be dissappointed for awhile and they may even say they disown you but they will come around. best of luck and I hope things end up well for you.

Answer #2

I’ve lived on my own before. & im not ready for a baby im scared! &mcr136! in canada you can legally move out of your families home with court permission I dont need court permission I’ve live on my own before.

my mom told me its my life & my decisions & I gotta learn some how but I do know im not ready for a baby at all!!!

Answer #3

also if I didn’t mention me & my boyfriend are trying to get jobs & move out on our own! and try to be responsible. I mean we don’t drink unless its a special occasion! we don’t do drugs. & im just not ready for a baby!

Answer #4

I’ve been on the patch since febuary & been having sex with this boyfriend since december! we met in october! & tried to take it slow so this would’nt happen!

I have a dr.appt. tomorrow to see. but I just dont know what to do im so scared!

Answer #5

How long have you been on the patch and how long have you been having sex? Take a pregnancy test, that’s the only way to know for sure.

Answer #6

well, first of all you should have known. . . that sex isnt all fun and games. . . it comes with responsibility even if you use protection. . . And birth control doesnt always work. . . so its your fault for not knowing that this could happen. . . Cause the only 100% affective protection againest pregnancy is getting your tubes tyed or getting your uterus removed. . . But, that still doesnt help with stds. . . and males can get there tubes tyed but, you have to wait a while for that to work. . .

Answer #7

yeah take a pregnancy test but make sure you read the package and take it when its suggested because I went to the doctor after weird pains and he told me I had had a miscarriage although I took a test two weeks earlier and it came up negative. sometimes they give wrong answers if you dont do it right I guess. if I would have known I was pregnant I would have done everything possible to have my baby.

Answer #8


Answer #9

hayleyrae, Please let us know what the Dr. says!

Answer #10

wow your 15 and 16 stay at home yoru not ready to have a baby or move out.

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