pregnant decision ?!?

heyy. im 18 and pregnant. I know, its early. please dont judge. next week, I go to the doctor to see if it is a boy or girl. do you think I should wait, and let it be a surprise, or should I just find out next week. and please tell me why or why not. thanks !!

Answer #1

Congratulations to you and the dad.

Answer #2

I would find out if its a boy or a girl because if you wanna decorate the crib or buy clothes for it you wanna know which kind to buy.

Answer #3

depends. sometimes it’s good to know ahead so you can plan ahead. butt some people like the surprise.

Answer #4

I have to find out every time. If you think you can wait it out then go for it but as for me im going to stick to finding out now that I have a boy and a girl coming in 4 weeks or less I think either with the next one or my last it would be kinda fun to do that because I will have things for both a boy and a girl. It’s really up to you. can you hold it out for 4 more months?

Answer #5

I would be happy either way, although personally, I want a girl. I honestly think it would be better to be surprised.. but I am weird like that =p

Answer #6

I was just watchin secret life…and its kinda about the same thing…I say I would because my mom didnt and she figured I was a boy and gave me a guy name…im a girl !…no but forreal its your desicion and if you decidce not to there is nothing wrong with that…I grew to love my name !!

Answer #7

I agree wit mrmacky…im 22 but dont have and e kids…me personally I would like to have a surprise, I agree that you have to put up decorations on da crib and the room…but there are always colors that go for boy or girl like yellow and green…to me surprises are fun ans I think itll be a joy to find out what the baby is at the end

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