pregnant and confused

Hi im about one and a half month pregnant and boyfriend knows about it.He thinks I should get an abortion because having a baby right now is not the best decision in our life.I sort of agree with him but at the same time I want to keep this means so much to me.Im very afraid of losing a baby and if I do have an abortion I would have to go to a place where they treat underage people and I dont know who or where to go.I need some help I really dont know what to do.

Answer #1

Everyone deserves a chance to experience Life - ‘keep my boyfriend’ - ‘be alone’ - ‘inconvienient’, sound like good reasons to you ?

Answer #2

D0nt get an ab0rti0n just because your boyfriend tells you 2!!! but I w0uldnt its like murder like said earlier, if you have the baby it will have life, if you get an abp0rti0n your KILLING IT. killing it, this is 0bvivuly a part 0f your spirtual j0urney G0d designed u, but think 0f it this way if I were you and I did get it an ab0rti0n(n0t that I w0uld) I c0uld never live with myself and pr0b n0t have kids, kn0wing that if I did have kids, and I gave them the gift 0f life and n0t the first 1? um whats wr0ng with that sentence? everything give every 1 0f your children an equal chance 2 live if it dies 0f a nautral cause thats differnent its n0t like you killed it, G0d just wanted the baby. F0r you 2 start a clean slate! h0pe that helps!!! :D

Answer #3

id say depends how old you r if your like under 17 or 18 dont have it because your like stil half a kid and I also think only have it if you have the money and are going to be able to look after it properly

Answer #4

this is your decision. and this is kinda like an expeirence that I think you have to take. You decided to have sex and this is sort of like a punishment. I don’t mean babies are a punishment but what I do mean is that you made a bad decision and if youu feel you want to keep the baby that is your decision-not your boyfreind’s

good luck!

Answer #5

it sounds like you’re not ready to make a decision like that. and if you do it without being sure…well…that would just be even more horrible. have the baby and if you all decide that you can’t handle it, there’s always adoption.

that’s just my opinion. good luck.

Answer #6

All you need to know is if you can handle being a loving mother, if your boyfriend really does love you , you should be the one to decid what to do with the baby not him.

Answer #7

Dont get an abortion,a and dont let your boyfriend talk you into getting one. abortions are murder.

anyways, I think you should talk to your doctor. tell them your situation, and they can help point you in the right direction. they can set up a meeting with the plave you want to go to, and they’ll give you a perscription for prenatal vitamins, which you need. and also talk to your parents. they’ll help you as well.

good luck!

Answer #8

I would love to have this baby but believe it or not is the hardest decision ever.I know for a fact my mother will never be by my side if she finds out and my boyfriend just keeps saying that this is not the right moment.we’re going through a lot of we have bills and not even an apartment yet and his parents wont help at all so it would be the 2 of us in this and im afraid.I just feel like im alone in this whole situation and theres no one I can talk to.My boyfriend has made up his mind but im still deciding and if I decide to keep it im afraid of being alone cause he will probably leave I dont know what to do.

Answer #9

I think that if it really means a lot to you then you should keep it because every baby no matter when it comes is a blessing and besides its not the babys fault that it came at the wrong time. Also from first hand experience if family members get upset or let down at first they get over it and you will always have your baby to look forward to in the bad times. :) good luck

Answer #10

I think you should do what you really feel

Answer #11

have you considered an open adoption? where you get to see the kid and interact in their life? or you can see if foster care is available and when your ready to become a parent you can ask the courts to let you have custody…?

Answer #12

well,that’s kinda your decision.I would’nt get an abortion,but it’s up to you guys!I’d say just have the baby.

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