Not sure if I'm pregnant or not ... :/

Kay soo.. Here’s the thing.. In September I got my period like I normally would.. But I was also having unprotected sec befor and after that.. I didn’t think anything of it till my next period was due.. I was 6 days late but still got my period .. But I wa also having several early pregnancy symptoms.. The following month I was late for my period again.. This time 8 days late.. I went for a pregnancy test but it came back negative.. But am still feeling symptoms… Could I possibly be pregnant … ? :/ accepting all an everyone’s opinion on what it could be!!!!

Answer #1

So you recently went for a test at your doctor’s? If so, I doubt you’re pregnant because doctor’s tests are much more accurate than home tests though they can give false negatives or positives but rare. Many things can affect your period like stress or change in diet. If not, I’d go get a test done at your doctor’s to find out for sure because people’s opinion do not matter they can only guess. Only way to find out is a test… or going into labor.

Answer #2

I don’t think your pregnant, the best thing to do in my opinion is to go to your doc to find out what’s wrong, as we are not docs

Answer #3

Kay see. I said I was open to people opinion because I’m not a judgmental person.. And by utelling me I’m NoT pregnant aggravates me a little bit.. Cause see.. One thing I do know .. Is I only went for pee test … They can fooled for bladder infection but also still be pregnant.. And as for my period.. Its possible to have a regular period while pregnant. My mother is a prime example of that.!! She got her period up until she was 4 months with my brother and I!! But thanks for yur opinion!!!

Answer #4

And a blood test is far more accurate then a pee test..

Answer #5

If your mother had her period normally for 4 months while she was pregnant, don’t take this for text book, but It’s possible that it was passed on to you and that you’ll be similar. Most people don’t have regulated menstrual cycles until they’re older, so if you missed it by a week, there’s not much to be worried about, but 8 says is questionable. And indeed, urine tests can be quite unreliable. The fact that you have unprotected sex, even if he pulls out, increases your chance of pregnancy by alot. Me personally, I wouldn’t be freaking out, but I’d certainly be slightly worried.

Answer #6

I’d ask your doctor for a blood test. Urine pregnancy test isn’t as accurate even at the doctors. I would also mention your symptoms to your doctor and if you don’t like what the doctor has to say you can always get a second opinion.

Answer #7

See I like those answers lol!! I’m gonna wait till my next period is due and if it is late again I’m gonna go in and get a blood test!!

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