Was this a rape and could I be pregnant?

Ok me and a boy named Alexis been talking for a while now. And I really like him. But that s not the problem the problem is that today after school some boy named walter got my cell phone and told me if I wanted it back to go and get it so I did. once we got in a room he pushed me to the bed and started kissing me. After that he fingered me and sucked on my tities and then we had sex . I really don’t know if he used a condom but he said he did but I don’t believe him and it really hurt because of two reason ONE because I didn’t want to do it and I was trying to get away and TWO because it was my first time. Now the boy that I liked, Alexis is really mad at me and doesn’t want to talk to me I tried explaining to him that it wasn’t my fault but he still doesn’t want to talk to me. what should I do? and could I possibly be pregnant since it was my first time?

Answer #1

You can get pregnant your first time. This guy is a jerk! Ask him if he used a condom, although I kind of doubt that he did. How did you let him go so far as to sucking on your chest and fingering you? Unless he’s INCREDIBLY strong, I would say what you did was consensual.. or at least most of it. You know, if you really didn’t want him to do any of that, you could have punched his lights out when he first tried to kiss you. I think he would have gotten the message..

Don’t worry about Alexis, if he was worth your time he’d comfort you about the situation, if anything. If he decides to be a nice guy, then he will. You can’t force him to feel any certain way.

Now, if I were you. I would wait until the appropriate time, and go pick up a home pregnancy test. Get three. If it shows up positive, then you can decide where to go from there. Also, tell your parents. If he really did rape you he needs to be punished. I don’t care if he is a friend of yours, what he did is WRONG.

Answer #2

If you at any point struggled to get him off you or told him to stop or even just laid there saying nothing and not participating in the sexal act. It can be considered rape. Willingly interacting in the deed will make it difficult for you to prove that it was rape. I do suggest that you speak to someone close to you about what happened, someone you trust and feel comfortable talking to. Either a friend or family member and if you have any proof that it was a case of rape, talk to an authourity figure and get the punk into the load of crap he deserves to be in. As far as the pregnancy issue goes, the best option you have is to take the test. It is so easy to be misled about the use of a condom taking into consideration that there is not a big difference in feeling after penetration and a condom is so easy to remove. More especially in your case as it was your first time.

Answer #3

How could you not know if he used a condom, or not? When you say “then we had sex” indicates to me that you wanted it. I agree with xiizag, you are VERY calm about this whole thing, and you can get pregnant your first, 20th, or 100th time. You seriously need to be less concerned about Alexis, and more concerned about your morals!

Answer #4

It dosent matter if it was your first time or not. That makes NO difference in the fact that you could or couldnt be pregnant.

Did you tell him you did not want to? Or did you go along with it?

If you told him you didnt want to and he was forcing you, that is rape. Tell someone you know (parents, a teacher…etc) and contact authorities. RIGHT AWAY

Answer #5

You’re speaking so casually about this; but you’re making no mention if you told him to stop, or if you went along with it. The way you’re explaining it, makes it NOT really that believable…

Answer #6

Sweety, if you didnt want to do it, and you told him no, it was rape. You need to tell someone! As for the pregnancy, take a pregnancy test to find out.If this boy Alexis is mad at you even though you were raped, he isnt worth your time, it wasnt your fault.

Answer #7

Well, Scince it was Your first time I highly Dought you Are Preganet. You may have Preganent like Symotoms casue your body isnt used to it. Just be carfull hun, & good Luck with having your boyfriend Understand.

Answer #8

Are you sure that you didn’t want it, cause I thenk you did.You don’t tell us about any sign of aying no, this whole thing sounds like a smoothe operation without a stuggle,if he did use a condom then you are not pregnant

Answer #9

yeh darle this sounds like rape if u dnt want 2 do it and was tryin 2 get away …u should tell some 1 and may be get the police incolved…hope things go ok 4 u…xxx

Answer #10

That sounds like rape. I’m surprised you’re as calm as you are - given your main worry about Alexis not talking to you rather than the fact that you’ve been raped.

Answer #11

It was rape. Tell the cops. And if you told Alexis that you were raped and he didn’t believe you or he was mad at you, he’s not worth your time. AT ALL!! And about the pregnancy. Take a test.


Answer #12

Yes on both counts! This WAS rape and you may be pregnant. . .you sweet child! You need to 1) Tell your parents (or other adult that you trust) immediately! There’s no need to go this alone and a caring mature outlook will go a long way in helping you figure out the best moves to make “after the fact”. . .it’s NOT your fault! 2) Get some professional counseling/support group to help see you thru this tragic experience. 3) See a physician to verify if in fact you are/are not going to have a baby. . .if you are gonna be a mother, you’re gonna need to take good care of yourself and have prenatal care to support the other life. . .this is now putting the ball in your court and you’re responsible for what happens next. Please keep in touch and let me know how things turn out. . .I really DO care!

Answer #13

your stupid that wasnt rape you just dont want to be considered a slut. he fingered you and licked your boobs. he didnt force you to stick his fingers in you they dont get any pleasre out of fingering you. didnt want to tell him no your not pregnant if he didnt bust in you. it doesn mater if its your first time or your thirtyith it wont make a difference. i didnt see anything saying you pushed him away or old him to stop. they cant perform a rape kit because it wasnt dirty and you probobly took a shower afterwords. why would you hook up wih a boy named walter anyways. sounds like a name from the sixtees. oh were you talking abou statatory rape? lmao.

Answer #14

If you had in fact tried to get away, you were forced into doing something against your will. I do agree that at first I didnt really believe all that I read but, I am not here to judge!! You should go to the police as soon as possible and they will bring you to the hospital to perform a rape kit, as well as a blood pregnancy test!! The boy that had done this to you needs to be punished for his actions. If you do not go to the police( which you should, no doubt about it) you are going to have to wait for the right time to take a home pregnancy test, and if it is positive you have to make an appointment with the doctor right away. I hope I have helped and I wish you the best..God Bless!!

Answer #15

Well, if what you’re saying is true, then YES you were raped.

The story didn’t seem believable; because if you WERE raped, you would’ve been a bit more descriptive, regarding the ‘trying to get away’ part. There are alot of people on this site who just make stories up, for attention. And the first way one can tell, is by the lack of detail.


How long ago did this happen? Why haven’t you told anyone except Alexis? WHY would he be mad at YOU for getting RAPED?

Answer #16

Yes angelfire2708 is right. The more I think about your question the more confused I am. I hope that if you are telling the truth about what happend- you do something about it- because if the story is false, you can get a innocent person in alot of trouble. Its better to take the consequences and admit to your wrongs rather then put the blame on someone else. Its taking responsibility.

If this guy really did do something.. That is wrong. No one can make you do something you dont want to.

Answer #17

If what you said is how it happened, then yes it is rape and you need to go to some authority about it. Yes, it is a possibility that you could be pregnant. They are right when they say it doesnt matter if it was your first or fiftieth time. You may be pregnant. You need to talk to your parents and the local police. Even going to the prinipal wouldnt hurt after first talking with the others. If Alexis doesnt believe you then you need to let him go. Do you want to date someone who has no trust and confidence in you and who thinks you are a liar?

Answer #18

thats rape sweetie. go to the police.

Answer #19

It was rape… you could get pregnant whether it was your first time or not… tell someone! you’ll feel better

Answer #20

you must tell someone about what happened this guy mustn’t getaway with it

Answer #21

Get to the Hospital for an examination and call the Police NOW !!

Answer #22

you guys she did state that it hurt because she was trying to get away!.. so clearly she didnt want to do it!

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