
Ok so I just turned 18. I have absolutly nothing going for me ( I live with my grandmother) and well I just found out that I got this girl pregnant… well… she thinks it’s mine anyways… she is 27 and already has 2 kids she said she is considering abortion and I’m all for abortion and whatnot but… if the kids mine… I dont want it to not be born… either way I really need to get my sh*t together and I started working on that the second I hung up the phone with this chick… but I was wondering… what would you do in my situation… I would rather raise the child on my own than have the kid not get born at all… any ways… what would you do in my situation?

Answer #1

sh!t its a baby kill it!… kill it!… LOL if you keep it you can forget about any parties b!tches and beer if you don’t keep it you will have it all, but you got to ask yourself if the human life cost those parties you going to be at make your choice now

Answer #2

oh and id ingnore people who are like “get a place of your own - get a job!” blah blah if you have a job that doesnt mean your sorting your life out. haha

my mates 21 and he still lives at home, he doesnt mind tho things like that happen when your ready.

Answer #3

I think you should get your sh*t 2gether and think bout your even going to raise a child. like food money clothes education healthcare…etc and tlk to your chick bout it and your grandma she might just help u

Answer #4

no problem man, id behonest with her. maybe she wants to get off the crack but cant?

could you be the one to help her. I think you should talk to her. see how she feels about it. talk about everything. the baby, the crack. how she feels about it all.

you’ll know what to do after wards ^-^

Answer #5

id tell the girl that I wanted to keep it and tell her I understand that its her decision. id also tell her, that just because im not working doesnt mean well struggle more, because a kids a struggle anyway.

id also ask why she wanted to abort ?

Answer #6

you sound like you would be a good father, but I think you are getting too attached to this baby. the baby will most likely grow up with mental health problems because more than likely the mother WILL do drugs while she’s pregnant and probably already has. I’m not really into abortion, but I don’t think this situation feels healthy at all. I suggest she abort. plus if the baby is born say…with down syndrome due to the drugs…do you want to raise that baby? it would be 10000x harder and would your grandmother approve? not that you have to live up to her standards. just checking.


I’m reposting mine because you never answered my questions. :] hahaha

Answer #7

dont get me wrong people… I’m moving out of my grandmothers place first tonight… I have a place to stay and a damn good paying job waiting for me… I was just stuck living with my granmother until I turned 18… and that happened today lol… but erm… yeah… I really dont think I would WANT to raise a child with downs… but either way it would be my child… but I dont know maybe abortion would be for the best… I’ll ha ve to talk to her ( wich by the is SUPER awkward considering I can’t even remember this girls name… I just remember sleeping with her and waking up the next morning thinking holy crap what did I do?)

Answer #8

you sound like you would be a good father, but I think you are getting too attached to this baby. the baby will most likely grow up with mental health problems because more than likely the mother WILL do drugs while she’s pregnant and probably already has. I’m not really into abortion, but I don’t think this situation feels healthy at all. I suggest she abort. plus if the baby is born say…with down syndrome due to the drugs…do you want to raise that baby? it would be 10000x harder and would your grandmother approve? not that you have to live up to her standards. just checking.


Answer #9

well see I’m almost sure I know the reason she wants to abort… she is a crack head ( this is the truth I’m not just being mean) and another child means another mouth to feed… and another mouth to feed means less crack… but that brings me to another issue… what if ssahe does drugs WHILE she is pregnant for my child? is there anything that can be done about this other than simply asking her to hold off for another 7 months? this is SO confusing… I mean I really wasnt expecting to have a child until I was atleast 25… maybe I’m just freaking out about thsi whole thing? btw osoroshii thanks for the advice

Answer #10

lol you should take this as a lesson then ;)

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