Is she pregnant ?

I had sex with my gf and it was protected and I cum in the condom but we had sex couple minutes later but I’m sure I didn’t cum in her.she saw her period the next day but I want to know if there’s any chance of her getting pregnant or her missing her next period because she keeps bringing it up and have been reading and hearing some weird things lately saying she can get pregnant from precum and she can get pregnant been though she can still see her period..I need answers please

Answer #1

I estimate that the probability of your girlfriend being pregnant (on this occasion) is in the order of 0.01, or in the region of 99 to one against.

Continue this specific behaviour with N girlfriends (where N is any large number) at a plausible rate of repetition:

….. for a duration of one year, and I estimate the probability of you getting at least (N/2) girls pregnant to be in the order of 1.0 in other words I have a high degree of confidence that you will have got at least half of your girlfriends pregnant within a year.

Answer #2

She needs to get on birth control.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice