What should I do if I'm pregnant?

my boyfriend left me about 1or2 weeks ago and now his sisters wanna fight me and i alreadi had a fight with the girl he with now but the only thing is that im pregnant im 3 to 4weeks pregnant at that! and i dnt kno what to do i dont wanna fight kno more becuz i wanna have my baby and my ex- reaLLY dnt wanna be with me after i had a fight with his girlfriend and i want to put him on child support please help me

Answer #1

Hey hun, First fighting with his sisters will deff not make anything better between u n ur x..Fighting isnt a good thing at all if your pregnant.. does he know that ur carrying his baby? dont worry about his new girl friend.. are you keepng the baby even if u dont get back with him? i think the best thing you can do is consentrate on yourself and the baby… My best choice if i was in ur situation would b 2 one act like u dont care that hes gone… a guy always wants what he cant have.. n two talk 2 him about ur baby let him no that u are having one n that u would really like him 2 b there wit u threw this but if not ull b just fine wit out him… chil support is something u dont have 2 worry about until after the babies hear… but dont fight or u can deff hurt the baby!

Answer #2

definatly dont fight!!! and tell him your pregnant

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