How can I become pregnant quicker?

what is agood way to become pregnant quicker

Answer #1


Here are some great tips for conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy:

-Start taking folic acid now. You reduce your chances of giving birth to a baby with a neural tube defect (for example, anencephaly or spina bifida) by 50% to 70% if you start taking at least 0.4 mg of folic acid each day two to three months before you start trying to conceive.

  • Don’t hop up and run to the bathroom right after you make love. Lying down for at least a few minutes (some fertility experts say five minutes) after intercourse increases the odds that the sperm will be able to keep their date with the awaiting egg and that you’ll win at baby roulette.

  • Make love often during your fertile period (the five days leading up to ovulation).

  • Are you a coffee drinker? Time to give it up or switch to decaf! Caffeine is thought to restrict the growth of a developing baby by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the uterus.

I hope all of these tips help you!

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