Preg, No Way Right, Right?!

Ok so me and my b/f decided to sleep together not sex just sleep together nude and we were cuddiling and we fell asleep hugging and when I woke up there was this sticky wet stuff all over us including my.. vagina, but we didnt have sex.. Im a heavy sleeper but id know if I have had sex, it was just weird cause it was everywhere and it wasnt like sweat… ok I really need someone to talk to me I mean like elaborate, ask questions, whatever, I want as much help as possible please!!!

Answer #1


Answer #2

Im On Day 14 And He Is 18 Too.

Is that Good?

Answer #3

Well, depending on his age.. It sounds like pre ejaculation. YOu could still get pregnant but not a high chance. What day are you in your cylcle.. That will tell you whether to worry or not. You probably need to get on the pill if you are getting that involved with him.. Intercourse will just happen, so if you put yourself in that situation, you need to be protected.

Answer #4

I wouldn’t say ‘no way’ - 1) male / female nude in bed 2) heavy sleeper 3) stickey wet stuff…only time will tell but doing this was a Huge risk.

Answer #5


Answer #6

you’re not gonna be pregnant, of course.. remember that sperm lives a few seconds after bein released by a man.. so…

Answer #7

if your positive you didnt have sex, then he probably just had a wet dream, or you got entirely too excited for your own good.. lol

odds are your not pregnant, so I wouldnt worry about it too much… later on if your late.. then worry.. but nothing you can do about it now, and odds are in your favor.. dont sweat it too much at all.

Answer #8

its possible he could have had a wet deram or something semen lives for around an hour in the air and if it gets on your vagina it can swim to get inside it to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results and were you are on your cycle makes no difference because you can get pregnant at ANY time of the month

Answer #9

but if he had a wet dream and I layed in it… then dont that mean anything?

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