people say im emo and some dont what is it?

ok evry body tells me im not emo I beg to deffer being emo isnt something to be proud of I am always crying . I cut my self and cover it up if anyone cs I say the cat did it or my dog I Bite myself. blk hair covers my face. blk nailpolish and eyeliner. 3 peicing in ears I might get my nose peirced this mounth im 14. anybody? I want to get this str8

Answer #1

sweetie pie

you gotta think about cuts…im ridiculed for not being a chav and prefering the emo style…people tell me to go cut my wrists even though I’ve shown them my wrists…I cut myself..and I hate it…I cant carry on as normal…I cant do p.e because of the shorts I cant wear skirts shorts on hot days…and im constantly thinking about it…gawd im just so fed up of it all

Answer #2

emo is a look to me. anyyone can self-harm themselves. wearing back nail polish and have black hair means doesnt mean your emo , emo does include the colour black. Think about why you wear balck nail polish and have black hair covering your face…more then likely its because you like it and you feel comfortable with this style. Piercings well they can be emo to , I have mi ear lobes pierced and my right ear pierced with an ear cartliage piercing. I want to get mi nose piercied. to me it seems your not emo you just have certain looks that an emo also has. I like the emo look but im not emo. with self harming think I suggest you do get some help with it , you dont want to become addicted to it nor get infections. crying all the time could mean something in your life is not right and this how you are reacting to it. It could be a sad situation that has happened , another issue could be family problems , think what makes you cry. with the crying and self-harming best to talk to someone about it like your bestfriend , school pscholigist and or parents.

Answer #3

I Would Say You’re Emo Other Than The Fact That, Your tional, Your Cutting Yourself, And Biting. Your Hair Which Is Black Covers Your Eyes.,, Why “Hide” Your Cuts If Your Not Emo? Do You Paint Your Nails Black, And Wear Eyeliner> Hope I Helped ;) ^.^

Answer #4

Well I guess you don’t care about advice to this question if all you got out of it was the fact that I said, become a women.

Answer #5

well emo is nothing but a syle or state of mine but cutting and biting yourself is a emotional problem..when and if you are having a problem instead of putting every thing in to cutting you should talk to some one… you can talk to friends family or really anyone.. I know if my friends had the same problem as you I would be there for them throw it all.. but if you cant find any one to talk I would be happy to help..

     I hope this helps!!! 
Answer #6

I do but not a uhm I don’t know how to say it on here.. without offending so I wont say it

Answer #7

Does not sound to me like any label should be place on you other then you need HELP and you need it fast. This is not a life style, this is a illness and you need medical help. Talk to your parents about this, I don’t care how people want to dress, but cutting, bitting, and lying about it are serious issues that need medical attention. Go get some help and then when you clear the air and become a MAN you will find your trueself. Labels are the dumbest thing I ever heard off. I ride a Harley and people would call me a Harley chick. NO I rode a Harley and Ride a harly, I don’t NOT live the lifestyle.

Answer #8

btw im not a girl omg:O

Answer #9

ok shadow64857 I think your being stupid,being emo doesnt mean you have to follow da rules, and that you have to wear what everyone else is wearing, if your REALLY emo you would wear what everyou want.being emo is about being an individual not following everyone else. people like you are ruining da porpuse of being emo!

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