What does post/undergrad mean?

are you considered a grad once u recieve an AA

Answer #1

Generally, an undergrad is some one who’s working on a BS degree.

There’s also a Postgrad, or Grad student, who has completed his or her Bachelor’s of Science degree, and is working toward a Master’s.

Answer #2

An undergrad is someone who is in college studying for an undergraduate qualification (a BA, which is a Bachelor of Arts, or a BSc, which is a Bachelor of Science are two common examples). This would be your first degress. Once you graduate from this then you can go on to do a Masters or Phd- if you do either of these then you would be a postgrad (post graduate student), as you have finished your initial degree and are now doing something extra on top of that.

Answer #3

so whats AA degree considered?

Answer #4

It is a 2 year undergraduate course :)

Answer #5

just like a BAundergraduate

Answer #6

A BA is generally 4 years in America, or 3 in England, so an AA is shorter, but yes it is similar :)

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