How come sometimes when i post comments they dont save????

Answer #1

its the use of banned words m8…

Answer #2

You likely have words in your answer or comments that don’t pass the list. Here are some of the many that I’ve found not to work…dru9s, ju1ce, circ.u.mstance(s), p.oo.p, cr@p, homose*ual, g@y, d.ea.d, (i think), funer@l, pen1s, ana1 (that’s an L), c1rc.u.mference, orbasically anything with “c.u.m” in it actually, su1c1de, at.tack, and many more. Copy your answers before you post so you don’t lose them, and funmail me anything that won’t post and I’ll edit. :)

Answer #3

masterbati0n and g-a-y i cant post and they were needed for the posts to make sence… so i just left them.

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