Possibly Pregnant?

My boyfriend and I took a shower together for the first time… I haven’t lost my virginity but it doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything sexually. We’ve “dried hump” with our clothes on. This time, it was with our clothes off… I’m worried though, can I get pregnant?

Answer #1

The thing is, it’s been over three days. It was on Thursday. He didn’t ejaculate, however, he might have “pre-cum,” he doesn’t know for sure or where since he doesn’t feel it.

Answer #2

umm it depends where he humped you. did he even insert sperm in vagina because if he did there is a slight chance of getting pregnant.

Answer #3

planned parenthood will help you even if you are under 18 in most states to get on bc and to have a pregnacy test and it is all confidential. which means nobody has to know ( including your pareants). if your doing all that the next time might be all the way. so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  p.s. if your not sure you can always call planned parenthood and ask them if this kept confidential.
Answer #4

If he came on the outside of your vagina (in the area of your lips), there is a small chance of pregnancy. If the water was rinsing you off afterwards, it’s a very small chance.

If you are 18, go to your doctor (or Planned Parenthood) and get a prescription for birth control pills ASAP, because this intimacy will progress, and if you do not take steps now, you will face a very large chance of pregnancy. And the additional use of condoms will help prevent any STDs / STIs.

Also, since you are becoming sexually active, take the opportunity while at the doctors to get a pelvic exam

Good Luck!! p.s. the BC pills are not considered effective until you have been on them for a full cycle. The doctor will tell you this.

Answer #5

well if he didnt insert is penis in then theres a really really small chance plus you were having a shower together and it would wash most stuff off just use condoms just in case..

Answer #6

I seriouslyyy doubt you’re pregnant :)

Answer #7

If he cumed on you in that area you may be pregnant use condoms and get on some birth control. Your truly, Demika Ray

Answer #8

Our areas.. Vagina and Penis.

Answer #9

??? Depends where he humped and where you humped back…

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