Possibly Pregnant

Im 16, 17 at the end of the month, anywho I need to take a pregnancy test I had sex friday night so its only been a handful of days. How long do I need to wait for the test to be accurate? And the guy wants me to have an abortion if I am pregnant and he wants to pay for it but im not so sure I want to do that, I told him he could stay out of it if he really wanted to but he insists on me aborting it, does he have any say in this?

Answer #1

I’m not sure how long you have to wait, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t really have any say in it since you’re not married.

Answer #2

Well, I’ve never had sex, and I’m not sure how long you have to wait to know, but your boyfriend should have an opinoin, but you should too. If you are pregnant, a living creature is inside you and knows who you are and must love you. But keeping the baby is sometihng that depends, are you working(having a job), are your parents,friends,family willing to be there. It all depends, I just recomending not getting an abortion.

Answer #3

Okay Sweetie calm down. First, if you had sex on Friday night, what makes you think you might be pregnant, it is only Monday. Second, I suggest using contraceptives and birth control if you are going to be sexually active. There is the morning after pill that can be taken to ensure that pregnancy has not occurred however you are too late for this step. Wait a little bit to see if you might be pregnant or not then see your Doctor for a more accurate test. Whatever you decide please be responsible and consult your Doctor no matter what. If you decide to keep the baby then, no, your boyfriend has no say, if it were the other way around then yes, as the father, he would have a say, should he decide he has no interest in the baby, he can sign a legal form waiving all rights to the child. BUT, make sure you are pregnant first before getting all excited and getting everyones backs up. Next time use protection.

Answer #4

Okay, hold on there sweetheart…yes, everytime you have sex you run the chances of getting pregnant…it doesn’t happen everytime though, and to psych yourself up about it isn’t going to help anything, it’s going to make things worse. You have to wait until atleast your first day of your missed period. Second off, no man really has that choice, he can’t make you get an abortion whether you’re married or not. Do know that no man has the choice to tell you what to do with your body-but being a single parent is hard…being a single teenage mom…even harder. Most importantly, use protection next time you choose to have sex, get on birth control and make him wrap it up…and if he gets too much into it, remind him it takes two to tango and he is just as responsible as you to use protection.

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