Possibility of being pregnant?

My boyfriend and I had sex for the first time recently. We used a condom and it was fine until the other day when we were together. We didn’t have a condom so we decided on just doing oral sex. (Neither of us have STDs.) We started to fondle each other a little moment later, we felt the tip of his penis to make sure he was dry and he penetrated me. We had sex a few SECONDS and I took it out.

I know there is a rick of pregnancy when you don’t use a condom and there’s the risk of precum, but he hadn’t been around more than a minute or so, I hadn’t rubbed his penis yet and when we felt the tip before he put it in me and after, it was dry. Is there a possibility that I could still be pregnant?

Answer #1

Seriously…you know theres a risk so why did you do it? was a few seconds worth it??? Worth stressing about it. Either keep it at oral or make sure you have condoms available..

Answer #2

If he was dry before, wouldn’t you of thought precum could be released while he was inside? You are risking it alittle but if you stress out too much your period won’t come anyway. Theres a higher chance you’re not pregnant than you are so just relax. Next time, if you don’t have protection with you, don’t have sex. You just have to learn to control yourselves.

Answer #3

Theres ALWAYS a risk. Is it worth one moment of pleasure for a lifetime of parenthood? Keep asking yourself that!

Answer #4

I meant that to say “risk” not rick.

Answer #5

And I meant that to say “aroused” not “around”.

Wow. Spelling errors.

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