Is it illegal to possess, but not use a keygen?

Is it illegal to possess a keygen if you don’t use it?

Answer #1

you may have more success proving to your superiors that you legitimately own a copy of the software rather than trying to prove the legality of owning an unused keygen.

Answer #2

but what if I own the software or never used he keygen. I have it, but didn’t use it? is it illgal just to possess a keygen?

Answer #3

Don’t laugh…this is serious. I have a keygen for software I won and I’m in trouble at work for it. Where do you get your information from? Have you ever found anything on the internet explaining the legality of possessing keygens or using them for software you already own?

Answer #4

The use of Keygens to activate software without purchasing a genuine code is illegal. search for keygen in wikipeadia

Answer #5

lol , why would you keep it if your not going to use it ,but I think it is not illegal

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