Popular Music Is Getting OLD.

okay, is it just me or is this annoying anyone else: when everyone knows all the same bands, and thinks that they know all about music and stuff because they listen to all the “in” bands. seriouosly, this one kid, called my bands crappy bands because he never heard them before. WTF?!?!! im just tired of everyone finding songs, makeing them all popular, and ruining them, same with bands. actually for me, bands that arent heard or crazed about by everyone are a lot better to me. like nevershoutnever, he is reallyyy great, but now everyone is finding out about him, and it’s just kind of ruining it, and he’s just becoming another one of those bands were when you say his name, everyone knows who your talking about, and it’s not that special anymore. maybe it’s just me that this is getting to.

what are your views on this?

Answer #1

well it does get on me nerves sometimes omg like twilight, when people started making a big fuss about it I was like omg what losers seriousele, I dont know I listen to what I like and dont care if allot of people know them or not but twilight is sucky, well yea I kinda agree with you, like them time I heard abut panic at the Disco and um greenday I swear.

Answer #2

I feel the same way. I mean, I’m happy when the bands that I’ve supported for a long time start making it big and start getting more fans and success but it’s also kind of annoying that once a few people accept a band, then everyone else automatically starts liking them too. Like it’s only okay to like a band once they’re more popular.

Answer #3

imaginethat0, yah it pisses me off ALOOOT too. it’s gotten to the point to were I spent all day on youtube looking for different unknown bands.

Answer #4

I hate that! I feel the same way.

Answer #5

I’m on that exact same boat as you 100%, it pisses me off sooo much!!!

Answer #6

its not just you. same here ._.’ tell me if you knew any good songs.

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