Popsicle stick jokes

Anyone know any good ones(by good ones, I mean ones that are reallly lame) Such as… Where does a cow eat?— a “calf “eteria What’s brown and sticky?— a stick

Answer #1

What did the rock say when he crossed the road?

Nothing! Rocks can’t talk or walk XD Thats so lame, but hey, you asked 4 one X3

Answer #2

what did the dentist say to the marching band heres a tuba toothpaste

Answer #3



Answer #4

What has 3 feet but no toes??


Answer #5

What has a bed but never sleeps? A River

Answer #6

what do you call cheese thats not yours? nacho cheese

Answer #7

whats invisible and smells like carrots? rabbit farts lol sadly thats the cleanest joke I know hangs head in shame

Answer #8

What do you call a man who was hit in the face with a pie? Desserted.

Answer #9

What did the polar bear say when he saw an airplane? I’m sleepy.

Answer #10

What do vegetables say at church? lettuce pray

it’s not funny, but it’s lame

Answer #11

This one’s really bad but I love it. What do you call santa’s helpers?

Subordinate clauses! Lol so cheesy Love the hearing aids one btw.

Answer #12

what do you get when you mixa skunk wit a hellicpoter? answer:a smellicopter

ps-my mom laughed SO fricken hard, andi thought it was gay. lol!

Answer #13

Why didnt the Window Lauqh ;;


lmaoo hahaha <3

Answer #14

what type of coffee does a cow drink? a moo-chalatta!


Answer #15

good ones

Answer #16

Why did Suzy throw butter out of the window?

  • She wanted to see a BUTTER-FLY.

HAHA :D Hilarious :D My fave :D

Answer #17

whats the only risk you run having phone sex?

hearing aids

Answer #18

What smells funny? A clown! For some reason I find all these jokes hilarious. Everyone else just thinks they’re lame.

Answer #19

what do you call it when a bison makes bread? BUFFALOAF!

what kind of cars do little people drive? MINI VANS!

why wouldn’t the oyster share it’s pearl? IT WAS SHELLFISH!

what does the skunk use to call home? IT’S SMELL-PHONE!

what did the dog say when it sat on sand-paper? RUFF!

Answer #20

why do hummingbirds hum? HAHAHA, because they don’t know the words! LOLLL :)

Answer #21

What do you get if you take a cow to see a scary movie? A milkshake

What do you get if you cross a sheep with a kangaroo? A wooley jumper

What do you get if you cross a parrot and a phone? A walkie Talkie

What do Atilla the Hun, Winnie the Pooh and Billy the kid have in common?The(some people don’t get this one, but its easy when you look at it closely)

What do you get if you stick a vampire outside in winter? Frost Bite

What do you get if you hit a Canary with a lawnmower? Shredded Tweet (bit sick lol)

What do you call a pig with a bad rash? Pork scratchings

What do doctors give a pig with such a rash? Oinkment

What do you call a fly with no legs? A walk

What do you call a sheep that has swallowed an electric cable? Baaa-rbd Wire

Need any more? Hope these are good :)

Answer #22

The cheesiest but amazing-est jokes I know

Why did the football player go to the bank? It needed its quarter back!

What do Christmas and a cat in the desert have in common? They both have Santy Claws!

What are caterpillars afraid of? Dogerpillars!

Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

Why was the police man suspicious of the blinds? They were shady!

Answer #23


Answer #24

What part of the computer was the elephant scared of?

The mouse

Answer #25

This isn’t from popsicle, I made it up, but it’s just as lame.

If Batman were an author,he’d be Bruce Twain.

Answer #26

I got this one today…(((BUT IT WAS ON A LAFFY TAFFY)))

…WHAT IS A HERMIT?… A GIRLS BASEBALL MIT…GNR LMBO hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah : )

Answer #27

What did the lawyer name his daughter? Sue.

Answer #28

I got one! What do you call a chicken and a rooster? In love.

What do say to a monster under your bed? Get out of there.

What’s green and goes pop pop pop? Green popcorn.

Answer #29

What is the difference between a baker and an actor?

One has rolls and one has roles.

omg! I could laugh at this forever!

Answer #30

I know that one! And guess what! What do you call a lion tamer? - Claude

What do you call a woman with one leg shorter than the other? - Eileen!

What do you call a girl lying in the middle of a tennis court? - Annette!

I have a bunch of them! XP

What do you Call a boy lying on your doorstep? - matt!

What do you call a boy carrying a toilet? - lou

What do you call a girl carrying 2 toilets? - lulu!

OK, I’ll stop now!

Answer #31

those are good, ok I got another good one–

veggie joke

what is green and sings? wait for it… Elvis Parsley

Answer #32

What’s the difference between an actor and a baker?…..An actor has roles, a baker has rolls.

Where do bees go on their day off?….The wax museum.

When is a fin not a fin?…..When it’s a dol-phin.

Who does a dog quarterback throw to?…..A Labrador receiver.

What sea creature is always grumpy?…….A crab.

Why did the book join the police?…….So he could work undercover.

What is the most musical piece of a turkey?……The Drumstick.

Wha did the girl melon say when the boy melon proposed?…….We’re too young, we cantaloupe.

What do windows bring when they go out in the sun?…….Shades.

Why were the refrigerator foods afraid?…….The milk went bad and turned rotten.

Why couldn’t the glass fool anyone?……People could see right through him.

What subject did the witch pass in school?……..Spelling.

What did the macaroni say to the tomato?………..Don’t get saucy with me.

What gets colder as it get warmer?………An air conditioner.

How do really small people call each other?………..On microphones.

What kind of guitars do whales play?…………eel-lectric guitars.

What do whales spread on their toast?………….jellyfish.

What bird is always sad?…………..A bluebird.

When is a pillow like a mug of root beer?………..When it has a head on it.

Why did the computer squeak?…………Some stepped on the mouse.

What do you call lending money to a bison?………….A buffa-loan.

Why do rhinos have so many wrinkles?…………….Because they’re hard to iron.

What kind of phone does a turtle have?……………A shell-ular phone.

How do pigs talk?………………..Swine language.

What did the snowman and his wife hang over their baby’s crib?………A snow mobile.

What do you give a snake with allergies?…………Anti-hiss-tamines.

What had two banks and no money?…………….A river.

What do you call someone who is crazy about hot chocolate?………….A cocoa-nut.

Who eats at underwater restaurants?…………..scuba diners.

What mouse won’t eat cheese?……………….A computer mouse.

Enjoy……..with these jokes you’ll be invited to every party……or maybe not. The Popsicle were good though.

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